Nothing short of perfect

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Kageyama's P.O.V ~

Not as nerve-racking as I expected this place to be.

I approach the doors,  following my team as we make our way into the crowded lobby of the arena.

I kept my head up this morning, confident my team would regain its victory after our preliminary loss just a few months back. It was no surprise we were unknown, but this weekend i was determined to change our reputation for good.

"Oi, i'm headed to the bathroom. Hold my stuff for me will ya" I look down to the tangerine beside me.

He nods. "Don't be surprised if you're snacks are missing when you get back!" he grins. Taking my bag and beginning to walk away. I quickly whack his head before he's out of  my reach. "See what happens Boke!!".
He scurries off, joining the rest of the group, leaving me in the lobby of the unknown arena.

"Dumbass has no problem finding my food but can't even tell me where the bathroom is" I mutter, shaking my head as I begin to explore the building.

I pass multiple courts, and make many turns onto unknown hallways. One leading to a hall of practice courts That all seemed to be locked except for one at the far end. I figured someone must have been in there. I'll just ask them where the bathroom is.

As i approach the door, I can hear volleyballs slamming against the floor. Guess whoever's in there must play.

"Hello?" I yell.
No answer.
I step into the gym, balls scattered around me. I continue looking around knowing for a fact someone was just here a moment ago.

Immediately I'm met with a ball flying towards me. Inches away from my face, as it slams against the wall beside me.

Holy  s h i t

I jump back, my knees giving out as I fall to the floor. Just barely missing the ball. If I'd moved any slower it would've seriously knocked me out.

I look over my shoulder, still shocked from what felt like a near death encounter. At the opposite side of the court,  a small figure begins to run towards me. Her face is deeply reddened, making me sort of feel bad for intruding on her practice. But you can't blame me for what just happened. It's her job to watch where she's serving.

"I'm so so sorry!" she exclaims. Her hands covering her heated cheeks. She then reaches both out to help me up.

Now that she was closer to me, I didn't know if it was the lighting of the gym, or how hard she'd been working, but this girl was glowing, no lie.

She took my breath away. But i wasn't complaining.

I grabbed her hand, feeling her soft skin grip my callouses as i stood back onto my feet.

"You're fine, just watch where you serve next time" I reply.

"No, seriously i feel horrible! My jump serve has been so weak lately, I can't seem to regain my strength." She whines.

Jump serve? Kind of relieved she isn't some amateur. "Luckily I happen to be pretty good at that move myself. I could give you some pointers if you'd like".

"You'd do that?" Her eyes widening as she looks up at me. I hesitated to answer since I began admiring her height. Definitely shorter than me but not too small. Like our heights perfectly aligned in the cutest way. Looking down at her almost made me smirk, but I held back as i answered.

"S..Sure. I've got some time before my match. Why not."

She nods happily, starting to the other side of the court. Pulling me along. I walk slower to take notice of her. It's just a thing I do. I always inspect everyone I see. Probably shouldn't be someone who judges people by how they look but I couldn't help myself. She dressed in a pair of white athletic shorts and a matching sports bra, outlined with bluish-green designs. Not helping my tinted cheeks as i realized she didn't mind showing off her toned body. Her h/c braid of hair fell effortlessly to her side. I'll admit she was definitely a sight i wouldn't mind seeing again. God what am i thinking. I'm being a pervert.

She turned around to face me. Her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. What was she waiting for? Me? Is she judging my face or something?

Just then I realized I had been holding her hand all this time. I quickly let go, avoiding her stare, attempting to change the subject. "I don't think i got your name". I muttered. Why the hell am i so nervous all of a sudden.

"y/n l/n but feel free to call me y/n" she responded with a polite smile. Just hearing her name made me feel on a lower league.

"I'm Tobio-

"Kageyama, I know. I've heard quite a lot about you" She finished my sentence as her eyebrows rose. "You're one heck of a player",
Her voice almost sounding flirtatious.

I thank her, a faint smile creeping on my face. I don't know how she managed to make that comment mean so much to me, even make me smile, but she did. I shake my head coming back to reality asking her to show me her serve.

"Right" she giggles.
Great. she's got a cute laugh too.

She picks up a ball from the floor, spinning it between her palms a few times before preparing to serve. She throws the ball up in the air, a perfect angle for her height and stability. She races towards the ball in flawless timing, making contact with the ball at just the right moment.

Her serve almost strikes a flashback in me. Where have i seen that serve before? Her form and capabilities look so similar to my own. I can't help but think i taught her myself.

If it weren't for the ball missing the boundary line and hitting the wall across from us, her serve would have been impossible to receive by anyone.

I stare at her wide eyed, confused as to how she obtained so much strength in that little body.

"What? I told you it sucked" she replied. Angry that she fouled the move yet again.

"l/n.. uh y/n" I stuttered. "That was nothing short of perfect".

She gazed up at me, her sweat complimenting her sparkling e/c eyes. I couldn't help but get lost in them. "Your.. serve was.." Dammit i can't bring myself out of her trans. "It was really good!" I shouted, Startling her. That was the only way I could think of to finish my sentence without looking like some perv. "Just fix the rotation of your back arm, it should affect the angle you serve at".

"How so?" she asks, looking down at the ball. I make my way over to her, positioning myself behind her. I hold her back arm to it's typical bow and arrow placement. While trying to position her front arm, my chest grazes her back and I immediately freeze. I'm definitely closer than I should be. I'm practically breathing on her neck. Her flyaways tickling my chin. A part of me is saying to move, but the other part is telling me to stay.

It feels natural. Practically Perfect.

I doubt she knows how flustered I am right now.

Well that's chapter 2!! Hope you liked it!! Let me know what i can fix or add as we go along. See ya in Chapter 3!

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