Pre-game jitters

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Y/n's  P.O.V ~

The day before any tournament can be pretty nerve racking, and I can see the worried look in my teammates faces. When they're
nervous it makes me nervous, and as their setter and captain I can't let it get to me. Even if i'm only a second year.

"Alright girls it's time to wrap things up here. Just a few more passes and we gotta lock up." I say. I can tell none of them want to leave, for they felt unprepared for the weekend to come and they new leaving our gym meant the Interhighs really begin. As they gather up around me I decided to take a different attitude towards our final pep-talk.

"I'm not sure why you're all so scared" I begin. They look up at me in unison, giving me the most confused puppy-like faces. "We've trained for who knows how long and have given our blood, sweat, and tears (hehe) to get where we are now. We deserve nothing less, and I expect nothing less from you girls tomorrow got it?"
One by one smiles creep onto their faces. There's the confidence i've been looking for in them. Our girls Volleyball team is practically better than our boys team. When the boys run out of fuel we keep fighting. And only true athletes can admit to that.

"Y/n's right!" My bestie and vice captain Kea Shinzu yells. "We are more than capable of annihilating the competition this weekend, so let's give it our all!!!" I've never been more proud of Shinzu, and I think the rest of our team agrees. She's truly come out of her shell in the past few months and has given this team a new sense of pride.

"Hands in one last time!" she begins.

"One, two, three"
"OHHHHHH SEIIIJOH!!!" We scream.

The girls thank me one last time as they head in their directions home. I give Shinzu one last hug because knowing her, she doesn't feel too confident in herself despite the powerful words she gave minutes ago.

"K, don't worry. I hope you actually listened to what you said, i've never seen that side of you." I tried to keep my voice calm for her.
"I knowww" she responds. "Let's do this!" She cheers, jumping up and down like a bunny to her moms car.

I chuckle, turning to lock the doors. Before I can finish I feel a weight settle into the crook of my neck, as a pair of toned arms softly fit around my waist. I know exactly who it is of course.

"Hi Tooru" I happily sigh, moving to face him as I wrap my arms around his neck. If anyone can calm me down it's him.

"Hellooo Y/n" he starts. "You okay?". He takes my hands from his neck, firmly grasping them is his own as we start to my home.

"I guess so. I don't feel ready for tomorrow". I look down at my sneakers, honestly intimidated to look him in the eye. I know he gets serious when I bring myself down like this but it's true. Am I really ready? We walk home in silence for the most part. A very different tone from how we usually do, cracking jokes and occasional piggy back rides.

"Y/n, you know how upset it makes me when you say things like that." He finally finds his words after a few minutes.
Meeting his gaze, he's more serious than ever. I lean away, a bit frightened until he softens his gaze.

"I've known you for years y/n, and the one thing that never changes is your determination."

"That doesn't really help in a match Oikawa" I chuckle. "Determination doesn't matter skill does.

"y/n" He exhales. "The skill you have overpowers any opponent both you and I have ever taken on. What you're missing is confidence in yourself."
He places his hand onto my neck, pecking my forehead as he gently lets go and opens my house's gate.

I know he's right. He's usually too oblivious to notice when someone's in a mood, but Oikawa can always tell when his teammates feel down.
Closing my gate, he looks over his shoulder one last time. I mouth the words "I love you". Making him smile.

"I love you more" he mouths back. Eventually closing my front gate.

Getting ready for bed, I can't help but mix my thoughts about where exactly i stand with Tooru, and how i'm going to play tomorrow. We aren't necessarily just 'friends' but we aren't dating. We've sort of been in the this position for all of high school. A 'friends with benefits' type of thing.

But he's really the only person I feel close to. Mom and dad always support me but too quickly, pushing me into every possible sport and extra curricular they find. I feel so forced and not being the best is the last thing I want. Sometimes it makes me want to avoid everything and everyone.
My thoughts carry me to my room, as I flop onto my bed, praying me or anyone can change my mindset by morning.

Whoopie!! Chapter 1 is done! Hope you guys like it so far. It might seem boring but i promise it gets better. See ya in chapter 2!!🥰

K i n g s ♚ W a r  {Oikawa + Kageyama x reader}Where stories live. Discover now