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It was evening by the time you two had made it back to Oikawa's abode, the evening sun finally taking its slumber. He placed your dress into the back seat before opening your door to escort your injured self out. Oikawa gently supported you up the stairs into his room, the both of you knowing you preferred his soft mattress over any other piece of furniture in his large house.

"Do you need any ice?" he began, already pulling a bandage wrap from his desk draw. You nodded as he head downstairs, yelling "I'll make you some soba!!" along the way.

...And here was your time to process today.

Jesus why is he like that! You ran your hands through your hair, sighing as you eventually laid down onto his comfortable mattress. He makes me feel all weird inside, I don't like it!

do I?

shit I do.

But then there's Kags.. you trail off in your thoughts, a small smile growing onto your face. Knowing the possibility he could like me makes me fret if i'd choose to be with the other.

You rested your hands on top of your stomach before talking one deep breath and gently resting your eyes. You were completely unaware Oikawa had managed to sneak back upstairs without you noticing. He placed your Soba on his nightstand before quietly making his way towards you. Assuming you were sleeping, he supported one hand atop your head and leaned forward, planting a sweet kiss to your lips.

He's never kissed me before?!

Immediately your eyes struck open. Tooru's widening in surprise. "Y/n.." he couldn't speak properly. "I..I thought you were sleeping and I.." He's way too cute when he's flustered. You pulled him forward, re-closing the gap between you two. He stuttered attempting to finish his words, but slowly melted back into the kiss. His free hand pulled your waist closer to him. He wanted nothing more than to have you in his arms. Oikawa sneakily crawled one knee over your hips, topping you. You pulled him even closer and your tongues continued to lazily battle for dominance. That is, until he sat himself on top of you, accidentally shifting your injured knee in the process.


"Y/n I think it might be too early for that."

Oikawa chuckled as a single strand of saliva broke between your lips, before opening his eyes to see his beautiful girl on the verge of tears. His caramel eyes returned to their widened position as before, moving off of you within seconds. He'd completely forgotten what was at importance.

"Jesus, Y/n i'm so stupid!" he began. "Here, take this, I got ahead of myself." You took the ice pack from him, and with a shaking hand you wrapped the bandage over it, assuring him you were fine. Oikawa proceeded to climb onto his bed with you, letting you relax into his arms. "Don't apologize Tooru-". "Y/n you did nothing wrong I got carried away." he interrupted.
"I think I got more carried away than you." you giggled. He and his tinted complexion reached over for the remote that sat on the nightstand as you pecked his cheek and settled yourself into his arms.


bzz bzz

god dammit, what now?

Looking over to the nightstand while Oikawa kept his gaze on the screen in front of you, your phone began buzzing. As you picked it up you realized, an unknown number? Opening it up, it read,

is this y/n? sorry for not talking to you in a while.

who is this?

kageyama boke:)


You immediately dropped the phone out of surprise, letting it hit the carpet with a loud thud. How the hell did he get my number? I gave it to-


"Y/n! Y/n!" Hinata called to you two days prior. He stood by the luggage carrier of the bus. "I want to watch you play again! Is there any way I could contact you?" You nodded in delight, handing him your phone. As he furiously typed in his number with his quick fingers, Kageyama approached, carrying your small duffel bag along his shoulder. You gently placed you hand on his shoulder in a thankful gesture and made your way to his mother's car. "Oi, what were you doing with her phone turdlicker?" Hinata chuckled and explained how he wanted to watch you play more and more. "Hinata, don't you think you have a crush on her?" Kageyama scolded. Hinata could only blush at the observation replying with an "it's not like that!" when he knew too well it probably was.

Oikawa reacted by pulling you back towards him, your light weight almost slipping off the bed as you attempted to reach down for the phone. "Y/n be more careful next time, I can grab it for you." he began, scooching towards the bedside. "No!" you responded, grabbing the front of his wrists and pinning him to the bed once again.

Now, just realizing what move you played on him, you quickly let go and sat on his lap, face redder than before. It was actually surprising what confidence burst you just had. I spent too much time with Kag's over the weekend. You could feel his lower half pressed tighter onto yours.

"Er..Oikawa..why is it-"

"Y/n you're on top of me. What was I supposed to do." he smirked. He sat back up, you straddled on his lap and held the back of your head with his hand, pulling you closer-

"let's not get carried away again." you chuckled.

I'm sorry this was shorter but I've been superrr busy. The gala is coming up👀 I can't wait!! - Sofia

K i n g s ♚ W a r  {Oikawa + Kageyama x reader}Where stories live. Discover now