Match made in hell

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Kageyama's P.O.V~

Making my way back to the lobby, I kept regretting not walking back with y/n. At least then I could have learned a bit more about her, and getting to look into her eyes again wouldn't hurt. Dammit she's really taking over my brain. If I keep thinking like this there's no way we'll win against Aobajōsai.


You're joking.

I knew what y/n was wearing looked familiar. But it can't be, no. She's too nice to go there, and far too pretty for any of their players. Frick am I jealous? I just met her and already i'm worried about who's she's talked to. I'll have to find out which school she goes to myself. Apparently my worries for y/n weren't just in my head, my entire team giving me confused expressions as I find them in another practice court.

"Kageyama are you alright?" Daichi approaches, more concerned than anyone. "We've been looking all over for you".
"Fine, thanks" I reply, grabbing a ball as I begin setting to myself.

"Kags where have you beennn?" Noya interrupts. Resting his arm on my shoulder. He gives me the weirdest smirk I've ever seen,
and it doesn't help that Tanaka overhears our conversation and strolls over.
"Oi, who have you been with?"

I freeze. The ball aggressively hitting my head that I forgot to catch. Crap.

"ohhhh? does Kageyama have himself a girlfriend?!" Nishinoya yells. Making sure the entire team can hear it.
"The King's got himself a Queen" Tsukishima whispers in the background, still loud enough for me stare him down.

"Shut the hell up!" I yell. The rest of the team laughing at me, knowing I met someone. I have no clue how these guys can figure out so much from just a look on my face.

"Well if she's hot you gotta introduce us!" Tanaka exclaims as they walk away towards Coach, who just entered the practice court.

Well yea, she's gorgeous I can't describe her any other way, but that's not exactly why i feel so attached to her. She's so much like me. Her skill is next to flawless yet she's determined to get better. I'm shoved out of my thoughts when Hinata nudges my attention over to Ukai, giving us a final talk before our game.

As my team enters the court cheers can be heard. People actually came to support us this time. It was definitely a new feeling, but it set my team in the right mood.
And just as we felt our confidence peak, our opponents had to show up.
Seijoh, we're going to settle this once and for all.

A lean figure enters the doorway, his spiked brown hair, catching the wind of the air conditioning, his expression clear and calm. It's none other than my former teammate and teacher, Tooru Oikawa.
As his team follows behind him, I try not to inspect each and every one of them. Hinata taps my head, reassuring me we'd be just fine, and I began to believe him, directing myself to the far end of the court to grab a ball.

I hear something familiar.

a giggle.
I know exactly who it came from.

Creeping my head to the opposing side of the court, I try to deny every ounce of pain my ears just felt. I know it came from the other side.

y/n is on Seijoh's side.

My mind goes blank, staring seems to be my only option. There's her cute expression again. A grin so wide, her eyes begin to squint. But it isn't for me. I think, I want her to smile like that for me and maybe only me. I don't care how long it will take or how soon I'd just met her. I don't think i've ever felt this strongly about anyone, but I can't decide if what i'm feeling is friendliness or something more.

The pain in my chest increased before I had a chance to properly react. I can see who y/n's smile is directed to. She's looking straight at that prick I call my mentor. He approaches her with a smirk I was NOT fond of, gently draping his jacket over her shoulders. What does he think he's doing, claiming her as his. Is she his? No, no, no That would ruin my mood and I can't let my team down right now. If it wasn't for her rolling her eyes at his ridiculous gesture, I might have said something then and there.

He leans towards her, attempting to kiss her cheek, but she playfully pushes him back. A huge sigh of relief on my side.
How disgusting.
Seeing any part of him that close to her made me gag. She didn't deserve that, y/n deserves more. This feeling I have is nothing less than love. Damn, it's embarrassing but it's true. I want to give her more.

The question is can I?

The whistle blows, signaling the late start of the game. For if it blew any sooner I would've never made direct contact with my newly special someone.
My eyes widened as her eyes caught mine. Her smile faded faster than her own serves.

She was completely emotionless.

It was then I knew exactly what i'm playing this match for.

K i n g s ♚ W a r  {Oikawa + Kageyama x reader}Where stories live. Discover now