Lost page, late timing

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I feel it's necessary for me to apologize.

So, I am TERRIBLY SORRY for not posting in literal months. I've lost so much motivation in even my most passionate fields of study and it's been so hard trying to get back into a happy state. I cannot thank you all enough for being so patient with me, and I'm hoping this break relieves any stress I have.
The more important question is, how are you all doing? These past few months of school have been very stressful, i'm sure. Don't hesitate to check in with me! I want to be here for you as much as I can. Let me know of any problems or excitements that happen throughout your days. I'll gladly be here to listen!!

And with that, enjoy the chapter. It is very short but I wanted to at least give you something. Happy Holidays!!


Oikawa shouted in disbelief. He was quite confused, feeling more than confident to give a scare to whoever asked you without his acknowledgment.

"It's the truth. Just look at her messages!" Shinzu interrupted, nudging your arm towards his. You quickly pull back, Oikawa would lose his mind if he knew his enemy would acquaint himself with you this weekend, his girlfriend.

No, Oikawa thought.

She's not my girlfriend.
Not yet, at least.

"And who exactly are you attending the banquet with Y/n?" Oikawa smirked, hiding his agitation. "Why does it matter?" you answered. "We can all enjoy the party together, i'm only catching up with a friend".

The bell rang in perfect synchronous with Oikawa's pout, more adorable than before as he picked up your trash for you, emptying it in the barrel a few feet over. Shinzu grabbed your wrist to pull you back into the school, before another hand stopped you.

"Promise me you'll let me escort you" A nervous smile stretched across his face.

Oikawa was, nervous?

"Promise" You complied, subtly pecking his cheek before following Your friend into the building.

"Looks like someone beat you to it." Iwaizumi smirked, following Oikawa's eyes to your form running off. "It isn't fair, Iwa!" the brunette claimed. He crossed his arms still in denial. How could someone ask her before me? Yes, she's beautiful, and kind, and caring, and-

"Oi, snap out of it!" Iwazumi's hand came into contact with the back of Oikawa's head as he was losing all thoughts naming numerous things about you.

"Iwaaa, you're so mean!" He whined.
His best friend only laughed at his response.
"Way to let your facade down" Iwazumi murmured, punching the arm of his distraught friend to fully awake him from his daze that focused on you. Oikawa had never acted so desperately to receive what he wanted. It was very peculiar to see Seijoh's well known senior
making, and more importantly keeping his promises.

He did always get what he wanted, though.

•         •         •

You trudged through your last classes of the day, desperately trying to pay attention, making it seem time would fly any faster than it actually was. But of course, your final class always emitted a boringness more serious than any other subject.

It was as if your World Encounters class couldn't take any longer.

You sat at your desk to the left of the classroom, mindlessly dazing out the window as usual. Much more interested in the banquet later tonight than the study of different countries trading methods. A gentle breeze blew through your hair from the opening of the window, sending a familiar chill to your neck and down your spine

One you've felt with not one, but two boys.

Your hands fisted in your lap, scrunching your pleated skirt as your mind attempted to plan how tonight would work out between the two enemies.

"Y/n L/n"


slowly turning your head from the window, anxiety struck as your teacher made direct eye contact to your e/c pupils opened wide.

"Could you repeat what page we're on?" The teacher spoke in a frustrating curiosity.
"N-No ma'am, I'm sorry" was all you could muster.

"I thought so, because you haven't even taken your book out of your bag. And where might the worksheet from last class be?"

"...Also, still in my bag Mrs. T/n"

"Right." She stated. "I understand this isn't the most fascinating subject, but it's part of the curriculum for an Advanced class."

Please, not today. I don't need this today.

"Book out, now." she teethed.

You nodded frantically, almost breaking the zipper of your bag fetching for your textbook and folder. As you flipped through the pages, a questioning look painted your face. There, a sticky note on the inside cover displayed a message next to a silly drawn face.

"Hey cutie, see u later tonight!"
Was scribbled in pen, emitting a low giggle from your throat. He doesn't have time to ask me to the banquet, but can make stupid messages in my schoolwork.

Classic Oikawa.

Turning the page, realization hit when you weren't sure what page to turn to.
She never repeated what page we were on! Asking someone would only result in another call out, so you quietly decided to peak over your classmates shoulder, squinting to see what page number they had last been on.

But with Mrs. T/n, that never looks excusable.

"I see copying answers is what you've resulted in doing, huh Miss L/n. Shit.

"If you think you have all the time in the world to complete it then you must have time to speak with me after school."


Not today

Your hearing muffled out, but your eyes stayed focused on her bubbly pink lipstick, mouthing the words:

"P r e f e r a b l y   i n   d e t e n t i o n"

One loud gulp from your throat sparked an interest from the rest of your class. Each student turned their heads in unison, even those labeled 'smart-asses' never bothered to disrupt her.

Because she never let anyone off the hook.

Yes, I know this was extremely short, butttt the banquet is soon! At least for your friends😳

What will Kageyama think?

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