Chapter 3

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Friday, May 24th, 2013: Alicante, Idris – 2:35pm.

We walked out of the patrol in the Accords Hall.

Dad immediately put down Riku and stood up to realize everyone is staring at us. He and Magnus looked over at me, everyone isn't staring at us—they're staring at me.

The large 60-foot hall exploded in whispers, everyone saying my name, talking about the staff of Ryuu, how I was the first child prodigy in 19 years.

I glanced over at my dad and then snorted, walking away from them. "Riku," I said, keeping my eyes in front of me.

The dog threw himself forward and quickly caught up with me. He slowed down to a mid-speed trot, looking around at everyone.

Magnus watched me and then looked around, stopping on my dad, "Well, I've seen someone make a perfect entrance and then there is this." He said and shook his head, "She has to deal with this every time she comes here?"

Dad sighed and walked forward, "It's the main reason she doesn't like coming home."

Magnus followed, people watching him as he moved smoothly. He fell into pace with Dad. "I guess that explains why she'd want to accept a marriage offer instead." He said in a very low voice.

"You can relax, Magnus-kun," Dad replied, softly, "It's not from Alec."

Magnus snorted, "Fine, but that doesn't make me any calmer." He snapped as they walked out of the building, "Jace is going to flip when he finds out about this. There's no way he—"

"It was Maryse and Robert that made the offer," Dad whispered, cutting him off.

Magnus's head snapped over to him, "You're kidding?!? They have no right."

"I'm sure the boy knows about it, Magnus-kun," Dad responded and then stopped at the curb. He sighed; I'm 50 feet in front of them. He looked over at Magnus, "Jace and the other kids are at the house, so they can meet."

Magnus's eyebrow rose, "This isn't going to end well, Daichi."

"I didn't know the situation when I let the Lightwoods stay in the house," Dad told him, serious, "Isoko kept the offer from me."

"Because you'd have jumped at it," Magnus said, lightly.

Dad's eyebrow twitched, "I'm still hoping."

"Don't!" Magnus snapped, very firmly, "I've been around him for years, he'll be an ass to her just like every other girl!"

Dad's eyes darkened, but he changed the subject, "Kazumi-chan doesn't know that Jace is the guy that offered, I'd like to keep it that way. At least until I talk with Maryse and Robert."

Magnus took off after me, "I won't be telling her, but she'll realize his hatred for her is beyond just meeting someone or that he has a very big chip on his shoulder. She's smart, she'll figure it out."

Dad sighed and moved after him.

~Outside Alicante, Akanishi Manor~

"Stop that, by the Angel, Jace," Isabelle snapped, watching him walk up and then back across the room for the 200th time. "You're so annoying!"

He looked over at her with narrowed eyes, "Why aren't we staying at your house here?" He asked again, this is the 12th time.

"As I told you before," Alec said with his eyes closed. "Dad has a lot of work to handle; he wanted us out in the country so we could relax more."

Jace snorted and spun on the ball of his foot, turning back the way he came. "If you ask me, he just doesn't want us in the house."

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