Chapter 16

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Saturday, May 25th, 2013: Four Hours Later – 2:33pm.

I'd walked out of the hidden escape tunnel about three hours ago. I'm now on the southern broader of France. I needed to hunt something to release my anger, not some dummy in the training room.

I've been walking around trying to find a demon anywhere. It seems to me France doesn't even have one.

I groaned. ...Stupid Shadowhunters!!... I thought, annoyed. ...Of course, they'd keep the boarders of Idris clear of demons!! Err!!...

I heaved a sigh, walking into an old warehouse. "I should have gone toward Germany." I scolded myself as I sat down on a wooden box.

Riku whined and laid down at my feet.

I looked down at him. "Sorry, buddy," I whispered, softly, "I know I'm in a bad mood."

He lifted his head to me.

"But giving me away without even asking me," I whispered, firmly, closing my eyes. "How could my parents do that?!?"

Riku barked at me and my eyelids lifted.

"You agree, don't—" I started to ask, however, my necklace began to bounce on my chest. My head snapped up and I narrowed my eyes, jumping to my feet and grabbing Ryuu from my thigh. "What is a hellhound doing here?!"

The demon dog snapped its' huge and disgusting mouth at me, slowly walking for me and Riku.

My eyes widened as Riku launched to his paws, two more hellhounds came into view. They have me and my dog surrounded.

"Riku, get out of here!" I bellowed as Ryuu transformed into her dual sword stage.

Riku looked back at me and then took off, running out of the warehouse.

I would have sent him away with only one hellhound, because his necklace doesn't protect him against them, something about them being of the same species, sort of.

The second Riku was gone, out of sight, the hellhounds bared their teeth, running for me.

I spun Ryuu, moving toward them and I cut a huge gash in two of them. My right hand with the Dragon Claw, now showing, landed on the 3rd one.

I twirled and stabbed Ryuu into its' chest, my back to the hellhound. It made an inhuman noise as it exploded, sending demon blood all over me.

I was immediately blocking the other two.


My head snapped over to the shadows and I hissed as two more hellhounds started running toward me.

"What the fucking hell?!?!" I demanded, shocked as I stumbled backwards with huge eyes. ...I've never seen this many in one place before!...

Both the hellhounds I was fighting got a hit on me, slicing three gashes into both of my arms.

I balanced out as all four of them ran at me.

~Unknown Time Later~

I dropped to my knees, my arms hanging beside me, Ryuu in my left hand covered in demon blood.

I forced my eyes to focus, seeing that I was covered in demon blood as well.

Ryuu shrunk back to her closed state and I managed to get her back on my thigh. Although, that was all I could do and I collapsed backwards, landing on my back.

My eyes unfocused and everything became very blurry as the adrenaline from the fight started to fade and the pain of my wounds came to the front of my mind. "Magnus," I whispered, breathing hard, it hurts so much.

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