2 - Oh Ella....

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Winds blowing playing with my bangs as I am hanging wet clothes in front of our house helping Jennie with the chores. I am having trouble to do that while correcting my bangs in front of my forehead when Jennie came and help me with my bangs. She looked at me with her eyes smiling and helped me with the chores.

"Nini, I can do this... You can rest beside Ella ok?" She smiled at me and rubs my hands.

"I want to do this with you Lili... Let me help you ok?" We did it in silence but it is a good silence as both of smiling to our-self knowing we are beside each other. I am happy with what I'm seeing right now, Ella running around playing with the cats from our village and Jennie beside me humming her songs that she created her own but it is never completed. She said she needs more time to get this done. I stopped my chores to listen to her singing slowly.

Love will never stop..

Because the heart has chosen...

I'll make you realize, I will stand strong..

Because Love never fades..

I wish all my heart..

Only you...

Love will never end..

She stopped singing when she realized I was looking at her. My heart melts listening to her sweet voice humming the melody by herself.

"What are you looking Lili... the clothes is there you know" She chuckles and I smile softly at her.

"Your voice is so beautiful Nini... You should not waste it..." She blushed at my compliments. After 5 years of marriage, she still blushed at my compliments.

"My voice is just anyone else Lili... Only you love it.. but thank you..." She kissed my cheeks making me smile at her. We are now 5 years married and Ella is big enough already. At 5 years old, Ella already knows to write properly and her vocabulary is really good. Jennie never failed in teaching her properly making sure Ella is not left out as we do not have enough money to send her to pre-school because her medication needs attention nowadays. She's not getting healthier and in need to have heart transplant as soon as possible. I was thinking by myself when I saw Chaeng ran towards our house.

"Jen!! Jen... Look at here... There's audition for a singer in V entertainment. You should try. I heard V entertainment paid their artist really well" Chaeng is still breathless when she handed the pamphlet to Jennie and I.

"This is good Nini, you should try this.. I know you can do it.." I encourage Jennie to take the audition as it is her dreams. I know she will be happy and I will not take that away at least.

Jennie looked really interested but she looked back at Ella running around and shakes her head.

"Ella needs me Lili.. who wants to take care of her...." Jennie was about to continue her work when all of us heard Ella falling down and when I looked at her way, my worst fear came to life. Ella was holding her chest as she cannot breathe properly. Jennie ran directly to Ella and carries her slowly.

All I've Ever Needed Is You (Jenlisa) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now