25 - Pieces of me

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"Lili, wake up... it's morning and I want to help mama and mom at the kitchen today" I woke Lisa up because it is not nice for me not to do anything.

"I'm still sleepy Nini... 5 more minutes.. come and cuddle with me please..." Lisa is still closing her eyes and I giggle. She is so cute and I really miss her after all this time. I do not have any appointment for my physiotherapy today and I can walk properly now so I just want to help them. I don't want them to think I'm taking advantage of what they are giving me right now. I cuddled a little bit with Lisa and told her I need to get up and kiss her neck making her groan. I know she missed me and me too but it is not right if we don't make anything official.

"Nini, after we are done with breakfast, I would like to show you the room I told you about last time" I nod because I really want to know what is with that room that Lisa is so secretive about. It has been a month since I was here and the room is still locked. I left Lisa and walked downstairs and saw my mom and Lisa's mom talking and laughing making the breakfast for their love ones.

"Good Morning mom and Mama, can I help with the breakfast.. It is not so nice just to stay in the room and do nothing.." I then saw Chaeng making her way at the same time.

"Good Morning, let's prepare the breakfastttt... I'm hungry hehehe" All of them laugh looking at Chaeng. She never changed, she looked hotter now but her appetite is still the same.

"Jennie, you should rest, you are not fully recovered yet" Mama Chitthip told me worried about my condition. I am grateful that Lisa's mom really cared about me. She never judged me, in fact no one really judged me here. I was accepted with open heart and was taken care by Lisa properly. Sometimes, I felt like I'm in a dream and refused to wake up but I always pinched myself and felt the pain. So I am not in my dreams.

"Mama, I am okay now, I can even go downstairs by myself. I just need the therapy to make sure everything is ok... hehehe" I giggles and both my mom's just shakes their heads.

"I'm so going to scold Lisa because she let you went downstairs alone. That girl is something when she got the opportunity to sleep. She's been sleeping like a log these days.. Must be she's comfortable Jennie is around" Mama Chitthip talked again making me blush.

All of them laugh and all of us cooked breakfast for our love ones. Once ready, all of them went down and we eat like a family. I love this environment because I got a big loving family and I can see how Lisa's parent is so happy having their daughter back. Even my parents are well taken care off and I am grateful Lisa never left them. When I came back with Lisa in this mansion, I've talked with my mom and dad seeking their forgiveness. They don't care and they never blamed me for anything. They told me sometimes people are trapped in decision and we can always change. They hugged me that day and we cried missing each other. They are the best parents in the world and I will appreciate them always.

Mama Chitthip kept her promise and nagged at Lisa for letting me go down the stairs alone and she pouted all way around but smile again after I peck her cheeks. She loves when me or Ella peck her cheeks.

"Nini.. are you ready?" I was confused at first but then remember that Lisa wanted to show me the room. I nod and cling by her arms. The dishes will be washed by the maids. This family got maids but never took advantage; they will do all the cooking and the maids only needs to clean. They are also pretty close with their maids.

Lisa walked me over to the locked room and starts to unlock it. The moment I saw what's inside, my tears drops by itself. Lisa has every version of my posters on the wall, the moment I started my career until the recent ones. She has every single CDs of my song collection and every single picture that was taken of me. She even labelled every single picture to show the dates and will put a note on the picture on my birthday.

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