29 - The Manoban's blessing

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"Baby, I want to go and help mama in the kitchen.. you can sleep first okay?" I told Lisa as I know she is sleepy due to our activity yesterday. It's hard to keep my mouth shut but since we are at home, we need to, but Lisa has been pleasing me real good yesterday. If I have no goals today, I would be sleeping beside her cuddling with her, but I want to have the blessing of the Manoban's in regards to my wedding. I want Mama and Dad to always accept me and not think of me taking advantage of them.

"Aww Nini.. I want to sleep beside you...." Lisa still not opening her eyes and I smiled. She can never let me go even one minute nowadays especially when our wedding will be in 3 months' time. Lisa doesn't want to wait and so do I so we decided 3 months is okay. Chaesoo's wedding will be in 6 months' time and they are super excited when they heard we are getting married again. Of course, Lisa's parents are happy for us but I still want to have a proper blessing.

"Later tonight baby... I promise to make you want me more okay?" I giggle and she smiled. She is really tired.

"Promise Nini?"

"Promise Lili... " I giggles and she continue her sleep while smiling.

I went down and saw Mama is drinking fresh orange by herself and when she saw me, she smiled widely. I smile back of course because mama never treat me as an outsider. She really loves me for Lisa and I am glad for it. Dad on the other hand never failed to make me laugh. He is so funny and he loves Mama with all his heart making me envy seeing them together never parted like what happened to me and Lisa.

"Come and join me Jen" I nod and sit in front of her.

"Where Mom Mama? Usually she is with you.."

"Your mom went out with your dad to buy some groceries and I don't want to disturb their date. I've been disturbing them for a long time.." She laughs and it makes me laugh at the same time.

"Mom is so happy to have you in her life as her best friend. She was always alone with my dad when I was young last time." I remember how mom always with dad and she don't mind not having friends. She told me it is important to always be beside your love ones and I know what she meant now.

"You are still young Jen, who said you are old. I can expect another grandchild soon?" She giggles and it is adorable. She looked just like Lisa and she is so kind too.

"About that Mama, I would love to have one from Lisa's egg. I want to carry her child Mama but that is not the important thing right now. I got something to ask you" I told her, and she looked at me softly waiting for my question.

"What is it Jen? You know you can share anything with me.."

"I know Mama and that's why I want to have the blessing from you and dad myself. I know you are happy for us, but I want to hear it from your mouth. Because you are very important in Lisa's life Mama. She was so happy when she knows she still got a mama and dad. When we grew up together last time, she always got teased by other kids about not looking like me and do not have any parents. She always cried but I was always there for her and having your blessing is like letting me be free from my guilt for leaving her 10 years ago." I looked at her sincerely and she softens her face.

"Oh Jen, all I want is for Lisa to be happy and when she saw you again in her arms, she was a different kind of happy. Her happiness beats her happiness when she met us. Of course, she is happy seeing us but she is way happier when she saw you again. When she was there in the hospital taking care of you, I can see how soft she is with you. She cannot live without you Jen. You always got my blessing and I know dad bless you too. He was so happy knowing Lisa is marrying someone and it happened to be her ex-wife that she's been telling all these 10 years. I am sincere when I said I am happy for both of you Jen." She smiled making me smile too.

"Thank you, Mama, I promise to always be there for her no matter how hard it is. We've been hurt but I know deep down inside, she is really hurt when I left her. Not that I want it, but I am just too coward to fight for our love."

"Jen you are not coward, you are strong for doing that. Knowing you will leave the only one you love. Dad never leave me, but I treat him wrongly when Lisa got kidnapped. I was distant to him, but he never gave up and keeps on searching until one day he found Lisa. If you said you abandoned Lisa for 10 years, I abandoned Dad for more than 24 years, but he knows I love him very much. That is how Lisa felt towards you. It is not too late to always show how you love someone. I've been paying my time until now showing how I appreciate dad, but he just wants me to be happy so does Lisa to you. Be together and explore your life more Jen. I know you and Lisa are meant to be with each other." She told me making me nod and smile. Indeed, me and Lisa got so much to do together and I will make sure both of us cherish our life together.

"Thank you, Mama, I really appreciate what you told me and believe me, I will make Lisa the happiest woman ever. We will all be happy together as one family together with Chaesoo" She smiled and nod.

"I love this happy big family Jen and I will not change it for anything. I love we all stayed in one roof and shares our life and I can't wait for another grandchild to run around here.." I blushed at her comments.

"You are still young Jen, you can do it..." She pats my shoulder and walked away.

"Sorry I got to call Dad, he asked me to do it just now.. Remember, both of us gave our blessing the moment you walked into this house" She smiled, and I returned it back.

I was so happy knowing that I got what I want and now I can't wait for our wedding to happen. Ella was so excited to have her own gown to be designed by herself and both I and Lisa agreed to it. As for us, we decided to have a simple wedding gown. Lisa as usual wanted to have a wedding pants instead of gown and I choose white gown for it.

We will do our fitting soon and I can't wait for it.

"Lili... I can't wait for us to be wife's again... I will make sure both of us will fight the world for our love. I love you baby... always.."


Sorry all for late update.. I was super busy yesterday.

I'll try again to update more today, if not... It will tomorrow promised.

Short update with Jennie and Mama Chitthip...

Tq for reading up till now and I appreciate all the comments and vote!



All I've Ever Needed Is You (Jenlisa) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now