EPILOGUE 1 (M) - Naughty Mrs Manoban

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"Good morning baby..." I woke up already but my eyes are still shut due to our night session last night. It was wonderful as it felt like the very first time Lisa took my virginity away. She was so soft yesterday and gentle. We made love smiling and moving under the white sheets touching each other skins. Naked and bare only for both of us to see and appreciate.

"Good Morning Lili.... " I yawned telling her how nice to sleep more as Lisa is currently spooning me naked under the sheets. Yesterday was the best wedding I've ever had and the way Lisa performed her speech bring tears to me. It was simple yet very sweet of her and I know I made her cry too. We expressed our love at night after our wedding and we are currently in one of the hotels in Busan spending our honeymoon. Lisa told me that she wants to spend her time only with me and I agree to it. I don't want the whole house to hear us even though her room is sound proof. We can never know who can eaves dropped us at night.

Lisa began kissing my neck from behind and travels her hand over my nipples playing it softly. Someone must want another round I thought.

"Ahh.. emmm Lili" I purposely moaned to ignite her feelings because I know she loves my voice.

"Baby... I need you again..." She whispers and I shivered at her voice. She sounded so sexy in the morning with her raspy voice. I took a mint on my side table and put it in my mouth so that I don't have any morning breath.

"My naughty Mrs Manoban.... I want you tooo..." I let her play breast and I hold her hands to play fasten the pace.

"Ermm Lili.. It felt so nice.."

"Ermmm Nini... I love you so much baby..." I turned around to face her and kissed her softly at first then I started to put my tongue inside of her dominating her making her moan my name. I love it when she let me take charge.

We stopped kissing to catch breath and I quickly jump on top of her grinding my vagina on her tummy making her smile softly.

"I love how you move on top of me Nini... you look very sexy..." I smiled and move my hand behind to touch her vagina and used my thumb to rub her clit while still grinding on her. Lisa closed her eyes being pleasure that way.

"Ahhh Nini... ahh yes..." I can feel her juice and use it to wet her clit making it easier to rub it. Once I feel her clit hardened, I know she wants me inside and I thrust two fingers inside of her while grinding on her. To put friction to me at the same time, Lisa used her long slender finger and put it under my clit making me feel the friction when I grind on her. My breast is moving up and down letting her see how sexy I can be.

Lisa suddenly thrust two fingers into my entrance making me moan harder and our body moves according to our rhythm.

"Ahh Lili... oh yess.. more baby..." I encourage her at the same time while thrusting her entrance at a fast pace.

We both pumped in and out of our entrance while our thumbs caressing each other's clit. From time to time I will lean at Lisa to kiss her hard and she sometimes bites my lips. I suddenly felt her wall is clenching my fingers and I know she is near her climax when I saw how she closes her eyes getting pleasured by me.

My climax is near and I felt like putting our vagina rubbing each other. I pulled out my finger earning a groan from her and I smile. I pull out her fingers from my entrance making me groan at the same time but I quickly change my position to scissoring making both our sex touched and I start grinding on her on a fast pace. Lisa supported her body using her elbow to grind following my pace.

"Ahh Nini... ahh yes.. yes.." Lisa is liking it and so do I.

"Ermmm ahhh Lili... oh yes.... Oh God!" I increased the pace and I can hear our skin slapping each other making sloppy sound.

"Ahh Lili... I'm close baby..."

"Me too Nini... ahhh.. ahhh let's do it together..." After few frictions to each vagina and the rubbing of our clits together, we came hard and I quickly remove myself from the position and stayed under Lisa's arm letting her hugging me. My head is currently on her chest and I can hear how fast her breathing is.

Once our breath is stabilized, I can feel Lisa playing with my hair which I love so much. She's caressing my hair slowly and kissing on top of my head making my eyes flutter again.

"Thank you Nini.. It's really nice having you in my arms again..."

"Me too Lili.. please make sure that both of us will always stay like this..." I can feel she nods and that's enough. Suddenly I remember about asking her in regards to have our second child. I look up at her face and she looked at me softly.

"Lili, I got something to ask you..."

"Yes Nini..." she answered soft and I position myself to lay my half body on the bed head board making her does the same. I look at her and smile.

"Lili... If I told you I want to have another baby with your eggs inside of me, will you be ok with it?" I asked her softly because I will respect her decision. Her eyes went wide and she's smiling like a kid.

"Really Nini? You really want that?!! OMG I am so happy!! I really want another kid with you... so so much but I don't want to push you. We can see the Doctor for advise on this you know.. When you do want it? When are we choosing the sperm donor? What are you planning to do? What about Ella? Mama and Mom? OMG I am so excited Nini... thank you for thisss!! I love you! I love youuu!!" Lisa was so excited and she keeps on kissing me making me giggles every now and then.

"We can go to the doctor after our honeymoon Lili. I have informed Ella and out mothers. All of them are happy for us. But can I request you one thing? It's okay if you cannot do that." I looked at her innocently.

"What do you need me to do Nini?" She asked excitedly.

"Can you be there for me 24 hours while I'm pregnant because I'm scared to do it all alone. Can you?" I asked wanting to know her reaction.

"Of course I will be around. I will tell dad about the plan and will extend my work. I will still work from home from time to time. Wait, let me just call dad." I was about to stop her when she move to her side table and took out her phone and call dad directly.

"Dad, I would to ask for a favour from you and Jennie's dad...." I heard she was talking and I can see how she nods smiling. When the call ended she shouted.

"Yes!! Both our dad says ok and can't wait for us to try for the baby. I will make sure I am always beside you Nini. From start until our baby pops up. Thank you Niniiiiii.... I am so excited...." Lisa was giggle by herself looking at me. She forgot that she is currently naked and the way her breast shakes makes me aroused again. She don't have big breast like me but it is still hot.

"I am excited too Lili but right now.. I want you and me... another round.. now..." I can see her smile changes from excited to wanting me instantly. Oh I know it's going to be a long day when Lisa is excited. She can be really really wild when she's excited but I love every gesture of hers. She is mine and I will make sure it stays that way.

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