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A/N: This is has been requested by MaTheresaSantos5, so for this request, I will need you to understand and forget that Oyakata-sama is very young.

Much love! Stay happy and healthy!


" author's note(12/12/201) " : managed to catch a few comments with readers getting confused about the age, so decided to pop this in before any others get confused further though this book has already ended in March 2021.


Kanji: 産屋敷 [name](biological)
Romanji: Ubuyashiki [name]

Kanji: 鬼舞辻 [name](adopted)
Romanji: Kibutsuji [name]

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 10 - 11(when first met Kyojuro), 14 - 15(when Kyojuro became a Hashira), 18 - 19(train arc)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Lavender
** It was unclear when Kyojuro became a Hashira, but if I were to make speculations on his age I would say about 15 - 16 due to Senjuro's appearance in chapter 54 as compared to the present.

Affiliation: Demon Slayer Corps/Twelve Kizuki
Status: Alive


Ubuyashiki Family(Biological, she is the eldest daughter)
Kibutsuji/Twelve Kizuki Family(Adopted, Kibutsuji Muzan's adopted daughter)


"Daddy and mummy love you a lot, don't worry about anything. Daddy and mummy will always protect you," Amane spoke out as she carried her little daughter in her arms and looked at Oyakata-sama who was walking next to her as they were walking through the hallway of the Ubuyashiki Estate, and soon arrived at the room where they will place their firstborn to sleep.

"There, she is asleep now," Amane spoke out as she gently wrapped the baby girl in a cloth and put her to sleep. Although their baby girl now was a good one-year-old, they could only continue to pamper her still with a smile on their faces.

As much as they were living in a world that is filled with evil, such as demons, they can only pray for their little girl to grow up healthily.

"Let's get you rested," Amane spoke out as she guided Oyakata-sama out of the room and headed towards theirs instead. She smiled as she gently helped her husband to lay down in the futon as she left to prepare some tea.

Only to return to notice how her husband was no longer in the futon. With curiosity getting a hand of her, she quickly called out to her husband, only to notice how the room that held their darling baby girl was open.

She quickly ran and her eyes widened as Oyakata-sama was bleeding profusely and leaning against the wall of the room where their daughter resided in. Only to have her blood running cold as she saw who it was standing in the room.

With the door to the patio wide opened.

"Give her back! She has nothing to do with you! Give her back!" Oyakata-sama managed to yell out, only to cough in response as he was losing blood and Amane panicked.

For before them, stood the demon lord.

"Breath of Flames, Second Style: Rising Scorching Sun!" and Kibutsuji Muzan avoided the oncoming attack from Rengoku Shinjuro, the Flame Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Only to watch as he disappeared from the scene, cladding Oyakata-sama and Amane's firstborn in his arms as he ran away.

Kidnapping her.

"NO! NOT OUR CHILD! NO!" Amane cried out as she tried to run out to the patio to find Kibutsuji Muzan, only to have Shinjuro stopping him as kakushis quickly made their way towards Oyakata-sama, treating his wounds immediately as he was bleeding profusely.

"No... [name]..." Oyakata-sama whispered out as he soon blacked out.


"Tch... I managed to infiltrate their estate, but because of that Hashira, I had to retreat since I have yet to fully recover. Let's start with killing you first. A pity you were ever born into this world," Muzan muttered to himself as he raised his hand and his razor-sharp nails grazed against [name]'s fair skin.

Only to watch as she slowly opened her eyes, revealing a pair of lavender eyes and she looked at him. His red plump eyes widened as she reached her tiny hand out which she managed to wiggle out from being bundled up in the cloth and she grabbed hold of his finger.

"Uwah!" and she smiled and Kibutsuji Muzan, stood frozen.

"Well, this is a change of events," Muzan muttered out as he cradled [name] in his arms instead and a soft smile appeared on his face as he looked at [name] who was smiling entirely at him.

"Uwah! Wah! Uwahh!" she managed to make those noises, only to have Muzan looking at her still, with those soft pair of red plump eyes. He couldn't help it.

The moment [name] grabbed hold of his finger, he lost.

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