❈ 04. ɴᴀᴛᴀɢᴜᴍᴏ ᴍᴏᴜɴᴛᴀɪɴ

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"Why is she throwing her temper?" Muzan asked as he raised an eyebrow as he had just returned home from his hunt and exploration, only to realize how [name] was sitting on the patio with a deep frown on her face along with a pout, and Gyutaro was right next to her trying to pacify her.

He proceeded to look at Doma who could only shrug his shoulders in response.

"Come on, man! I can't bring you that far, it's dangerous for you!" Gyutaro spoke out as he tried to pacify [name] with a lollipop, only to have her turning to look away instead with her cheeks puffed out still.

"Papa!" [name] cried out when she saw Muzan standing at the door and she got onto her feet and ran towards where he was. A wide smile appeared on her face then as her 'father' soon raised his hand and was showing her what he had bought for her.

"Oh?" [name] spoke out and blinked in confusion and Muzan chuckled.

"It's your birthday, have you forgotten?" he asked and [name]'s lavender eyes lit up as she turned to look at Gyutaro once more.

Well, technically it's the day Kibutsuji Muzan had kidnapped her.

"Gyutaro-nii-san, you always said that when it's my birthday, I can wish for anything and everything," [name] spoke out and somehow Gyutaro knew he is regretting saying that to [name].

"Fuck," he muttered to himself and [name] giggled then as she soon stuck her tongue out. But still, a gentle smile appearing on her face and Gyutaro could only shake his head in response as he knew what words were going to be coming out from her mouth.

"So, does that mean I get to visit Natagumo Mountain?" she said with a wide smile as she looked at Muzan once more who raised an eyebrow in response and looked at Gyutaro who was looking at him with a pair of pleading lime-green eyes.

"Of course, you can go wherever you want to go. Gyutaro will escort you, right?" Muzan asked and Gyutaro could feel the threatening vibe radiating off from the smile Muzan was giving and he could only hesitantly nod his head.

"Y-Yeah. For sure, man," he muttered out and watched as [name] squealed in delight, and Gyutaro could only let out a sigh as he ended up sitting on the ground instead rubbing the back of his neck as he looked at [name] who was speaking with Muzan.

"Let's see if these look good on you," Muzan spoke out as he bends down a little and soon clipped the earrings onto [name]'s ears and he hummed in response as he looked at it.

"Yeah, a beauty," he mumbled out and [name] giggled then as she hugged her 'father' once more.

"Next time we can get your ears properly pierced," he spoke out and [name] slowly nodded her head as she turned to look at Gyutaro who had on a scowl on his face instead as he avoided the gaze that [name] was giving him.

He didn't want to be out and about at the Natagumo Mountain.

"Mou! I want to visit Rui, can I do that?" [name] turned to look at Muzan who nodded his head in response, after all, he couldn't say no to her as well given how he had taken care of her and seen her grown-up ever since he kidnapped her.

There was no way he could say no to her.

"See, Gyutaro-nii-san, papa says it's okay!" [name] said with a wide smile and Gyutaro could only grunt in his response as he nodded his head at what [name] had said and let out a frustrated sigh then.

He didn't expect himself to be the one to bring [name] out to the mountains, given how it would usually be Akaza since he was the most responsible one out of them. But it was his turn to spend time with [name], and here he was, having to bring her out to the mountains.

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