❈ 09. ᴏɪʀᴀɴ ᴘᴀʀᴀᴅᴇ

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"Uwah! Uwah! Uwah!" [name] cried nonstop as she was being cradled in a foreign pair of arms as she looked into a pair of red plump eyes. Her lavender eyes filled with nothing but tears as she could feel the murderous aura emitting from whoever was carrying her.

"Tch... I managed to infiltrate their estate, but because of that Hashira, I had to retreat since I have yet to fully recover. Let's start with killing you first. A pity you were ever born into this world,"


"[name]!" and [name] flinched as she snapped out of her thoughts. She then blinked her eyes a few times as she looked at Daki who had been trying to get her attention for quite some time now. She then looked into Daki's pair of lime green eyes and noticed how Daki had on a concerned look on her face.

"Is something wrong?" she asked, and [name] slowly shook her head.

"Nothing much... Just hallucinating I guess," she whispered out as she tried to forget about what she had seen earlier on. She then watched as Daki was busy laying out some kimonos that she had brought over from the Red Light District.

"Come on! Pick one! Muzan-sama has finally given the green light for you to come and watch my oiran parade," Daki spoke out and [name] slowly nodded her head in response then. She then watched as [name] stood up and looked towards the kimono, only to slowly raise a finger as she pointed to one of them.

"Oh! This is the very first kimono that Muzan-sama got for you when you turned 15 right? Won't it be short on you since you have grown taller?" Daki asked as she soon started to put on the kimono for [name] who easily slipped into the sleeves of it.

"I think it's just nice," [name] spoke out as she looked into the full-length mirror in her room.

"Ahhhhh," [name] managed to groan out when Daki tightened the kimono from the back and her back straighten due to how the kimono was made. [name] breathed in and out with a slight pout on her face and she looked at Daki who was still dressed comfortably.

Not yet in her oiran attire.

"Daki-nee-san, I can't breathe," [name] managed to choke out and Daki quickly loosened the centrepiece of the kimono and [name] heaved a sigh of relief then. Daki then giggled as Gyutaro soon appeared and he raised an eyebrow in response as he looked at [name].

"Oh, the envy. To have such beautiful flawless skin," Gyutaro spoke out and Daki nodded her head in agreement and [name] stood up, turning around to let Gyutaro have a look at how she was dressed.

"Let's go," he spoke out and [name] nodded her head as she soon linked arms with the Upper Moon Six Demons and they proceeded to disappear into thin air where [name] was soon brought into the Red Light District.

In the room where Daki will be preparing for her oiran parade.


It was bustling in the Red Light District, [name] was seen wandering on her own from time to time, and soon she got a little sick given how it was flooded with the scent of opium. Along with how there would be people occasionally trying to 'kidnap' her which she somehow manages to escape as well.

"Hm..." [name] mumbled out as she continued to look around and soon she noticed how a huge crowd was coming down the middle of the Red Light District. She stood to the side as she watched, her lavender eyes widened as she looked at Daki who was dressed beautifully. Her pink-tinted lips parted as Daki looked at [name], and [name] couldn't help but admire Daki's beauty.

She was beautiful in [name]'s eyes, that was definite.

[name] then continued to watch and soon her feet started to move on its own. She started to follow the parade, totally engrossed with how it was being portrayed, and she couldn't help but wanting to be nearer to Daki, given how it gave her a sense of pride as well.

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