❈ 02. ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏꜱᴛ ɢɪʀʟ

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"Oof," [name] managed to wheeze out as Daki tightened the kimono on her small body from the back. [name] could only giggle then as she turned and hugged the Upper Moon Six's younger sister tightly.

"Thank you, Daki-nee-san!" [name] said with a wide smile and Daki couldn't help but gently pinch [name]'s cheeks that still had those baby fats on them. The way her lavender eyes sparkled with happiness as Kibutsuji Muzan finally allowed her to roam about the city since she was now a little more grown-up, which means she could now head out to buy her food and such.

[name] had grown a little taller over the years, much prettier as well. Her hair was now grown out into long black locks that had silver endings at the back. Her lavender eyes held nothing but a positive reflection in them as well as she continued to hug Daki tightly.

Her ears perked up then as she heard footsteps and she turned to look. Her eyes widened slightly as her pink-tinted lips curled up into a smile as she ran from Daki to whoever had arrived.

"Papa!" she called out and Muzan chuckled as he squats down and [name] ran up to him with ease and hugged him tightly, which he in return, hugged her tightly as well.

"I see you are all dressed up now," he said with a smile and [name] nodded her head with a wide smile still plastered on her face.

"Yes! When I go out into the city, I'll bring back delicious food for you and nii-sans and nee-sans!" [name] called out with a wide smile once again and Muzan couldn't help but place his hand onto her head and ruffled it gently.

"Don't buy too much. What if you can't carry them back? You know papa and the others dislike going out in the sun," Muzan spoke out and [name] scrunched her nose up in response.

"Hmm... Then I'll just buy one of each and we can share!" she claimed as she pumps her tiny fist up in the air, and Muzan couldn't help it as he hugged [name] tightly once more. How much she had grown under his watch, she was getting more and more adorable too.

Such a pure girl.

"Okay, you should head out to enjoy yourself now," Muzan spoke out and [name] nodded her head then, only to hear someone landing and she turned to look and her eyes widened as she realized Doma was around.

"Ah! Doma-nii-san!" [name] called out and ran up to Doma who chuckled as he easily picked [name] up and nuzzled his nose against her chubby cheek. He then carefully place her down onto the tatami floor and proceeded to rummage through his sleeves, and revealed a hairpin.

"A gift for you! Since you are finally going out on your own under the sun!" Doma spoke out and watched as [name]'s lavender eyes lit up at the hairpin that Doma had given her and she looked towards Daki after she had grabbed hold of it.

"Daki-nee-san! Daki-nee-san! Please help me!" she called out but lost her footing as she ran towards Daki, only to trip on her feet and she landed face first onto Daki's lap, causing Daki panic. She then sat up and giggled as she rubbed her slightly red forehead, only to hold the hairpin out to Daki.

"Ne!" she said with a smile and Daki couldn't reject [name] at all, given how adorable she is. She proceeds to grab hold of a comb as Muzan sat down on the throne-like chair where he usually would read [name] a bedtime story when she was much younger.

He watched as Daki carefully combed through [name]'s long black locks and proceeded to tie it up into a bun where she carefully inserted the hairpin as well. She then gently patted [name] down on the shoulder and the sleeves to rid off the specks of dust and soon she hummed in response.

"It's done," Daki spoke out and [name] giggled as she turned to hug Daki once more.

"Thank you!" she said with a smile and got up, running to where Muzan was and she stood there, turning around for her 'father' to see, and he couldn't help but smile in response at how adorable she is.

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