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"[name], time to wake up!" and [name] slowly rubbed her eyes as she got up. She yawned slightly as she looked at the time and she frowned a little, only to turn as she stared into a pair of golden eyes and she giggled as she felt a kiss on her lips.

"Well, looks like you are finally awake," Kyojuro spoke out and [name] could only giggle in response as she slowly sat up and watched as he was busy buttoning up his dress shirt as he needed to head to work.

"Ne... Kyojuro-kun..." [name] whispered out and Kyojuro chuckled as he turned to peck [name] on the lips once more and then her forehead.

"Yes?" he asked and watched as [name]'s nose scrunched up slightly he then waited for a little while, only to let out a chuckle once more as he gently pulled her up into a tight hug.

"Is my love not enough for you?" he asked, and [name] shook her head.

"Nonsense... It's so passionate... How could I find it not enough?" [name] asked, and Kyojuro chuckled once more as he pecked her on the forehead and watched as she went to get ready. He could only shrug his shoulders then.

For [name] did not realize what day it was.

He then hummed a tune to himself as he walked out of their rooms and placed a finger against his lips as he looked at who had gathered in their humble home. He then went back into the room and soon [name] came out from the bathroom, dressed properly.

Only to have her eyes blindfolded.

"Kyojuro-kun? What are you doing?" she asked, and Kyojuro chuckled softly then.

"You will see," he spoke out as he slowly opened the door and shut it behind them once they were out of the room. [name] then tried to look around despite being blindfolded and her lips had formed a pout shape instead.

"Kyojuro-kun, what's going on? Don't we have to head to work now?" [name] asked, and Kyojuro chuckled once more.

"What's there to work when..." he whispered out as he removed the blindfold and [name]'s lavender eyes widened at what she was seeing.

"It's your birthday?" he asked, and tears welled up in her eyes as she ran forward, and Kibutsuji Muzan could only chuckle as [name] engulfed him in a tight hug.

"Hey! What about us?" and [name] could only giggle then as she ran up to her 'siblings' and gave them each a hug, and Daki, who was now going by the name of Ume, could only gently rub [name]'s small baby bump.

"I hope Kyojuro has been taking care of you," Ume spoke out and [name] nodded her head.

"Of course he did! Where's father though?" [name] asked and Muzan had on a sad look then, realizing that [name] wasn't calling him, only to have his red plump eyes widened when [name] hugged him tightly once more.

"You are my papa!" she said with a smile and her lavender eyes lit up as she looked at Oyakata-sama who had came out from the kitchen together with Amane.

"Ah! Father! Mother!" she called out and ran up to them, hugging them tightly.

"Happy Birthday, [name]," Oyakata-sama spoke out and soon his lavender eyes looked towards Kibutsuji Muzan, and it felt as if an electric ball was in between them.

"I told you, she is my daughter," Oyakata-sama spoke out.

"Not when I have taken care of her most of the time even in this reincarnation!" Muzan snapped and [name] could only laugh as she ran towards where Kyojuro was as her papa and father got into a heated glaring session.

"Like your present?" he asked, and [name] nodded her head.

"But I like you more," she spoke out and kissed him on the lips.

"Thank you for loving me so passionately, Kyojuro-kun,"

The End

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