❈ 12. ᴡᴇ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ɪɪɪ

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"I believe [name] would be attending the festival in the city. I'm sure she will be," Amane spoke out as she looked at Kyojuro who was in deep thoughts. She then watched as Kyojuro nodded his head in response and he stood up.

"I'll bring her back," he whispered out and Amane could only have a soft look on her face.

"We are sorry for putting this on you, Rengoku-sama," she whispered out and Kyojuro chuckled as he flashed her a beaming smile towards her.

"Nothing is too much, Amane-sama! I love her, so I'll definitely want the best for her!" and Amane smiled sadly as she watched as Kyojuro left the room, and she let out a sigh then.

"Thank you..."


"Ehhh? How do you do this? I don't know how!" Doma whined out as he wasn't sure on how to tighten the kimono on [name]. A clear sign that most of the time it was Daki who tightens for her the kimono. He then frowned with a slight pout on his face as he looked as the kimono was falling once more.

Only to have himself being shoved aside as Akaza knelt behind [name].

"Useless piece of shit. Not sure how to do up a kimono but sure is a fucking pro at taking off one," he muttered out and tightened the kimono, only to have her lavender eyes widened at how tight the kimono was and she choked.

"AKAZA-NII-SAN!" she yelled out as she threw a random comb at his head as he had tightened the kimono so tight that she could feel her bones breaking from inside. He then frowned as he let it be, whereas [name] was still having a hard time breathing.

"It's... Too... Tight... Akaza..." Kokushibo mumbled out as he pushed Akaza away and quickly loosened the kimono, only to have the sounds of a biwa being strummed and Nakime appeared, placing her biwa to the side as she took over the position where Kokushibo was earlier on.

"Idiots," she mumbled out as she adjusted the kimono on [name] and soon patted her shoulders softly.

"There, it's done now," she spoke out and her lips were pressed into a fine thin line as she looked into the mirror, where [name]'s lavender eyes held no signs of emotions. She has been in such a state ever since the night she asked Muzan if she was his daughter.

"Thank you," she whispered out and soon stood up and she flashed a soft smile towards her 'siblings' and grabbed hold of the small cloth bag where she had placed some money into it, given by Kibutsuji Muzan himself.

"I'll be going now," [name] spoke out and the Upper Moons nodded their heads in response as they looked as [name] soon got off the patio and waved goodbye to them. She proceeded to turn and walk away, and Doma rubbed the back of his neck a little.

"Uh? Is it just me or has she grown up into an even much more mature lady?" Doma asked, only to have Akaza smashing his head in response at what the Upper Moon Two had just said.

"She is... distancing from us... Something... Must have happened..." Kokushibo pointed out, only for them to soon be summoned into the Infinity Fortress as Kibutsuji Muzan had planned out their route.

And how the fight was going to commence.

And [name] let out a sigh then as she walked towards the entrance of the city, and her pink-tinted lips parted. She slowly pressed them into a fine thin line as the memories of the times she spent at the festival together with her 'demon' family was resurfacing through her memories.

"Was it all... Just for show?" she whispered out.

"Papa! That one! That one!" a young [name] who sat on the top of Doma's shoulders was seen pointing towards something that had caught her attention. Kibutsuji Muzan chuckled as he looked towards the Upper Moons who had to wear disguises just to enjoy the day with [name].

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