❈ 10. ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ

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"Nice, man. Niiiice," he dragged out the words as he looked at Tengen. Envy running through his demon blood at the way that Tengen looked.

"Niiiice, man," he muttered out, scratching his skin as he continued to look at Tengen who was rather confused with the way that the Demon was acting right before him.

"Niiiice flesh, I can't get any fatter myself. And you're tall, you're clearly over six feet here. I'm sure you're popular with the girls, man," he added on.

"The envy, oh the envy," he sang with his deep rough voice that could have easily sent chills down anybody's spine.

"The envy, man. Protecting the humans, looking cool, nice. And you're a saviour in their eyes, huh. I'm sure they'll shower love and gratitude upon you," Gyuutaro muttered out as he took a step closer to Tengen.

"Well, yeah, I'm a flamboyant, elegant, ladies man, so of course. I even have three wives," and that's when Tengen realized how Gyutaro remained silent then as he allowed Tengen's words to sink into his mind.

"You got three wives now?! You're kidding me, right?! Right?! Unforgivable!"

"Gyutaro-nii-san...?" and Gyutaro's eyes widened as he slowly turned to look. His lime-green eyes could only remain wide opened as [name] stood there with her hands held tightly together as tears welled up in her eyes.

Her heart was breaking as she looked at him, fighting Tengen.

"Please, stop," she whispered out and Gyutaro felt a sudden pang as he raised his sickle. He gritted his fangs in response, that was when he decided. He had already declared war with the Sound Hashira before him.

For bullying Daki as well.

"I'm sorry, [name]. This time, I will be killing people right in front of you," he whispered out as he lunged forward and [name]'s lavender eyes could only widen as she felt a sash wrapped around her waist and she was tugged away from the danger.

"I'm sorry, [name]," Daki whispered out as she sets [name] and binds her against some ruins so that she wouldn't get involved in the fight. [name]'s lavender eyes could only widen as tears rolled down her face.

"No... Don't go... Don't leave me," she whispered out as she watched the area before her getting demolished into pieces with ease. She watched as all the demon slayers were trying to take shelter, trying to protect themselves.

And [name] felt as her body was brought over to somewhere further for safety reasons.

"Gyutaro-nii-san?! Daki-nee-san?!" [name] yelled out as she tried to get loose from Daki's sashes as she wanted to check on her 'siblings' to see if they were alright. She could feel the blood within her body running cold as there were no signs of life before her.

Only to watch as Gyutaro appeared.

"Whoa, you're still alive, huh? You're one lucky dude," Gyutaro muttered out as he looked at Tanjiro who had survived from the building collapsing everywhere.

"Well, you got nothing going for you aside from luck, though. How sad, man. Everyone else besides you is pretty much useless, now," Gyutaro added on as he continued to look into Tanjiro's eyes.

"Boar got his heart stabbed. Yellow-head is writhing around after being crushed by the wreckage, so I'm just leaving him there to die. He's squirming around there like a bug. How pathetic," Gyutaro added on.

"Pathetic. Pathetic. You, in particular, my man. So your blood relative was stuffed in that box you were carrying? I know. The blood keeps you close despite her turning into a demon. so. Older? Younger?" Gyutaro asked.

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