❈ 06. ᴛʀᴀɪɴ

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"Uh? This is the place?" [name] mumbled to herself, a little confused as she was sent on an errand by her 'father' to travel to the next city to help pick up some stuff. [name] looked utterly confused then as she was standing at a train station that she had no idea about.

[name] was seen seated on the train that would lead her to the train station of the next town. A smile plastered on her face as she soon got absorbed in the book that she had brought along to keep her company.

She hummed a soft tune to herself as she continued to read the book, but soon stopped. She shut her book as her lavender eyes narrowed slightly as she felt an ominous atmosphere within the train.

She then stood up from her seat, thankful that she carried little things as she walked down the aisle, heading towards where the ominous atmosphere was getting far worst. She could feel the blood within her veins turning cold as she got closer to the middle carriage. Her breath hitched slightly as she noticed the train was taking off, with the sky turning dark.

"What's with this atmosphere?" she whispered to herself, and immediately turned and had her hand against the person who was sneaking up behind her. Her lavender eyes widened as she stared into a pair of golden eyes.

"K-Kyojuro-kun?!" she managed to stutter out and Kyojuro had on a beaming smile as his muscular arms soon wrapped itself around [name]'s waist tightly.

"[name]! It's been so long!" he called out and [name] giggled at the affectionate side that Kyojuro was giving her. He then blinked a few times when [name]'s delicate hands found its way to his face and she started to squish his face together.

"Wahhh, you seem to be losing weight," [name] mumbled out and she squealed with Kyojuro picked her up with ease and walked down the aisle. He eventually sets her down onto the seat and sat down next to her.

"How have you been?" Kyojuro asked as he looked into [name]'s lavender eyes and watched as she smiled and grabbed hold of his large warm hand in her tiny ones and she started to caress it.

"Great!" she said with a smile and Kyojuro blinked his golden eyes a few times then. Only to have the lingering question at the back of his mind and he looked at [name] who had on a confused look.

"Kyojuro-kun?" she called out and Kyojuro shook his head in response.

"I never hear you talk about your family, how are they like? Oh, and where are you going?" he asked, as he grabbed hold of [name]'s hand in his and intertwined their fingers together, which [name] started to blush at.

"Ehhh... I'm going to the next town to help my father pick up some stuff. What about you?" [name] asked as she tilts her head, and her eyes widened as she heard running footsteps.

"And also, my family consists of my father. Well, my father told me that my mother passed away when she gave birth to me. My family only consists of me and my father. The siblings I spoke off are those that I claim them to be as I always spend time with them," [name] said with a smile and Kyojuro chuckled as he noticed [name]'s hair, covering her face slightly.

"I see you have a set of earrings," Kyojuro spoke out and [name] nodded her head in response.

"3 months ago it was my birthday, so my father bought it for me to celebrate," [name] spoke out as Kyojuro pushed her hair behind her ear to take a better look at the earrings.

"Beautiful," he whispered out, and [name] could only blush madly then. She could feel her heart pounding hard against her chest. She then heard the running footsteps once more and [name] could only watch as some demon slayers ran up to them.

And she blinked in confusion when one of them was staring at her intently with his finger up, pointing at her as it trembled. [name] then got a little scared and proceeded to bury her face into Kyojuro's shoulder instead.

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