❈ 05. ᴍᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢ

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"How is she?" Muzan asked as he had prepared the birthday cake that he had bought for [name] earlier on and noticed how Gyutaro was stuck sitting outside of the room where [name] sleeps in. Gyutaro then turned to look at the demon lord and shook his head in response and Muzan let out a sigh then as he pushed the cake into Kokushibo's hands and he knocked on the door.

"[name]?" he called out, only to hear a slight sniffling sound coming from within the room. He let out a sigh then as he walked over to the box where it contained all the toys she had played with from young, and he brought it over to her room. Sliding the door opened and shut as he soon made his way towards where his 'daughter' was, laying in the futon.


"Why are you crying?" he asked, although he knew the reason why. He was enraged that the Lower Moons were so weak now, but he couldn't let it affect [name] at all. So, he decided to remain silent as he tried to coax his 'daughter' to stop crying.

"[name]? Talk to me," Muzan spoke out as he gently placed his hand onto [name]'s arm and shook her, which he watched as she sat up with tears still running down her cheeks.

"I-I wanted to see Rui. It's been so long since I last saw him! B-But when I went, he was killed! He was killed!" [name] cried out and Muzan couldn't help but feel the ache within his chest as he watched [name] starting to cry over the loss of the Lower Moon Five.

"Why did he have to die? He is a nice demon to me," [name] whined out and Muzan could only remain silent. He wasn't sure what to speak about at all, and soon his red plump eyes laid upon the box that contained all the toys she played with, and he easily picked the dango stuff toy up.

"Look what I have," Muzan spoke out and [name] stopped crying as she wiped away the tears from her face and she looked at what her 'father' was holding out and she could only swallow the lump in her throat as she slowly reached out for it.

"Dango..." she whispered out, remembering how she always slept with it and how many times she had fought with the Upper Moons as they tried to wash it without her knowing, only to have her attacking them with her tantrums that they were afraid of.

"Don't cry anymore, okay? I know you miss Rui and love Rui a whole lot as well," Muzan spoke out although he felt like just going on a rampage due to how angry he was that Rui had lost.

Only to look as [name] slowly nodded her head in response as she wiped the tears off her face and looked towards her 'father' once more with a wide smile on her fair-skin.

"I'll be fine. It takes time to heal," [name] whispered out as she hugged her dango stuff toy tightly against her chest.

"Can I... Make a little grave for Rui?" [name] asked and Muzan was taken aback. He hesitantly nodded, which he believed if he looks at the grave that [name] had made, he would probably destroy it.

But it was what she wants, and he was willing to let her do what she wants. Which was what she has been doing the entire time ever since she started to walk and talk.

"What is she doing?" Akaza muttered out as they were peeking their heads out of the wall as they realized how Muzan had accompanied [name] towards the backyard and they watched as the demon lord and his 'daughter' started to dig into the ground.

"This was the first thing that Rui gave me. So I'm gonna bury it here in memory of him," [name] spoke out as she showed her 'father' the little constellation that Rui had made with his threads and Muzan watched as she placed it into the hole they had dug and proceeded to cover it.

"A grave for Rui, apparently,"


"Wake up. Hey, I said wake up! Wake... Hey! Hey you! Come on, you! Come on! Are you gonna sleep all day?! Wake the hell up, will you?!" a Goto yelled out.

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