❈ 07. ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏꜱᴛ ᴅᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ

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"Are you angry?" [name] asked as Akaza walked through the underground tunnel that was built for them to travel along when the sun is up and they needed to visit [name]. [name] then pressed her lips into a fine thin line as Akaza remained silent, and she let out a shaky sigh.

"I'm sorry. I like Kyojuro-kun," [name] mumbled out as she soon rested her chin onto Akaza's shoulder, and he could only let out a sigh then as he stopped walking. He turned his head and [name] looked into his pair of yellow eyes with a pair of sad ones.

"I'm not angry. Don't worry," he mumbled out and [name] tightened her arms around his neck as she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.

"Akaza-nii-san, I'm sorry. Please don't be angry," she mumbled out once more and Akaza let out a sigh then as he shifted [name] up with ease, given how she was falling off. He then tightened his hold on [name] instead, to give her a sign of reassurance.

"I'm not angry. If you say sorry once more, I will get angry," he spoke out and [name] scrunched her nose up as she hugged him tightly once more, letting out a sigh as they soon emerged into the house where [name] stayed.

"[name]," and [name] tensed up as she soon hid her face behind Akaza's head and slowly peek out to look at her 'father' Kibutsuji Muzan, who was sitting on the throne-like chair.

"I heard you disrupted Akaza's mission," Muzan spoke out as he flipped the page of the book he was holding onto. [name] then scrunched her nose up once more and stared as he lifted his head and his red plump eyes looked towards her.

"What do you have to say?" he asked, and watched as [name] puffed her cheeks out in response to what her 'father' was trying to imply, and Muzan could only slowly shake his head in response as [name] parted her pink-tinted lips to speak.

"I'm upset," was what [name] said and Akaza's eyes widened as [name] wanted to come down from his back, which he soon placed her down with ease, only to have his eyes widened as [name] walked up to Muzan and jabbed her finger against his chest.

"Papa, you are very mean! How could you do that to Kyojuro-kun?!" she snapped, enraged that her 'father' was trying to harm her favourite person.

"K-Kyojuro? Who is that? The Flame Hashira you have been meeting?!" he asked and watched as [name] continued to puff her cheeks out in response and Muzan could only sigh in defeat then as he soon bends down and placed his forehead against hers.

"Okay, don't be angry. Papa is sorry for hurting your friend," he spoke out and watched as [name]'s pink-tinted lips soon curled up into a smile instead and she turned and ran towards Akaza and hugged him as well.

"You are all the best, I wouldn't trade any of you in this world," [name] said with a smile only to have her eyes widened.

[name]'s eyes widened as she looked at Akaza's whose body was cracking slightly and blood started to splatter out. She could feel the heavy disappointment coming from Muzan and she could only remain silent then, afraid that she might anger him too.

"Akaza-nii-san...? What's wrong?" she whispered out as she reached out, only to have Akaza pushing her back a little then, away from his crumbling body.

"Akaza, I'm disappointed in you. To think that you took a blow from a swordsman who isn't even a Hashira. So even Upper Moon Three was brought to the ground. And to make matters worst, you did not even kill the Hashira at all. Nor did you kill the boy with hanafuda earrings. I sent you there, believing that you will be able to do so," Muzan's voice was heard and [name] turned to look, noticing he was right behind her then.

"Begone," and [name] wanted to reach out to Akaza and hugged him tightly once more.

"Papa! Stop it! You are hurting Akaza-nii-san. Didn't you promise me you wouldn't hurt my nit-sans or nee-sans?!" [name] yelled out, angry as she continued to hold onto Akaza tightly, afraid he might disappear from her arms.

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