8. Talk

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Forth's P.O.V. ~  

I woke up with a massive hangover. After Lam went to the bar last night I buried myself in alcohol. I missed my dinner too. My stomach is growling. Fuck I need breakfast and pain killer.

After showering I went to the dining table. It's sunday so Lam won't be here. After having breakfast I walked towards Mom's room to see her.

When I opened the door Mom wasn't in there. I got panicked and called Nate..

"Ma'am is in the garden with Beam Sir." He informed me.

My Mom.? In the garden.? I ran to the outside and found my Mom and Beam there. She was sitting in the wheelchair and Beam was showing her around the flowers and plants and was making her laugh.

He looks so innocent and charming and my mother looks so much better than 3 months ago.

"Mom what are you doing here and Beam your shift is in the evening right.? Then why are you with her this time and not Mary.?" I asked them.

"Oh Forth.. Don't tell me you are jealous of Beam too.. And I was feeling much better so Beam took me to see outside. It's so boring lying in the bed all the time." Mom told me.

"Sorry Sir.. I was just.. I will leave and send Mary for Ma'am." Beam told me and was about to leave when I stopped him by holding his wrist. He looked at my hand and then looked at me nervously.

"I didn't tell you to leave. I was just asking. I dont want you to tire yourself by doing extra work. You are a student you have to study hard." I said while looking at him.

"Oh boys.. Stop the nonsense and enjoy the view. It's a beautiful morning." My Mom said and I started looking around and talking to her. She was busy in the nature when Beam said...

"Ahem Sir.. I am not leaving."

"I know that. So.?" I asked.

"Umm Sir.. You are.. You are still holding my hand." He whispered.

I looked at my hand which was still holding his hand unconsciously.. Traitor.

"Oh... I'm sorry." I said while leaving his hand and putting my own hand in my pocket. It was a little awkward so I said bye to Mom and came back into my room.


"What the fuck are you doing Forth.. Lam is right. Stay away from Beam. You will end up hurting him.. ruining him.". I yelled at myself while sitting on the bedside.

He is here for Mom. He will leave someday. Will things be the same when he will go.? Will Mom be the same.? I wish i could make him stay here forever. For Mom... Yeah for Mom.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door.

"Yes" I said.

"Sir.. I came here to ask you something. May I.?" Beam asked from behind the door. I stood up and opened the door.

"What..?" I asked.

"Well.. Can my friends come here for group study.? We always do it on sunday. I promise they will be in my room without disturbing anyone. And if not then I will go to them It's fine too." He told me hesitantly.

"Beam" I said softly in a voice I didn't know I was able to produce. "It's your home too. You can do whatever you want. Of course you can call them. You don't need to ask everytime before doing something."

Beam's P.O.V. ~

Home.? My home.? I know it feels like one but for how long.?

I couldn't say anything more than thank you to him and came into my room. I told Pha and Kit that they can come here and after that I started studying while waiting for them.

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