12. The Dinner and Planning

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Beam's P.O.V. ~

"I.. Umm.. We.. I mean.. I just.." I was stuttering badly at how to actually tell this huge amount of shock to my friends without making them faint.

They were waiting for me to tell them what i wanted to say but somehow it was so fucking hard. It was like my life turned upside down within one night with only one 'Yes'.

"Are you going to tell us or should we take a nap.?" Kit looked at me unamusedly and said.

"Seriously Beam we are waiting since morning and you still can't tell us what you want to say. I'm starting to get worried." Pha looked at me with concern.

We were all sitting in the medical food court when we finished all of our classes for today and it was almost 3 p.m.

I have to tell them anyhow. Go Baramee go. You can do it. I cheered for myself in the head and decided to finally tell.

"Forth and I.. I mean.. He.. He kinda proposed me and I kinda said yes." I spitted the words somehow and looked at my friends. They were too shocked i can see that.

"You are kidding right.? It's a joke right.?" Kit asked and i shook my head in a no.

"What kind of proposal.?" Pha asked to make sure.

"I mean.. We are kind of getting married in two months. Forth proposed me and I said yes." I told them nervously.

"The hell...?? Where is the falling in love, courting and fucking I love you part..?? You guys just jumped to the ending.? How does that makes sense.? Don't tell me he fucked you bad and now he is taking responsibility." Kit said angrily. He was furious. 

Pha widened his eyes thinking about that there could be a possibility of what Kit said.

"No.. No.. It's nothing like that. Please calm down guys. I know we are not madly in love and all that's true but we mutually decided to get married. He is doing this for his Mom and me too. Think of it like family agreement marriage." I explained.

"What the fuck.. Are you mad.? So now you are gonna marry like doing a charity.. Pha.. Smack this idiot's head until his brain starts working properly." Kit was spitting fire. His angry gaze was enough to burn me to the ashes.

"Beamie.. I know you feel thankful to them but you can't just agree to marry because of that. You are going to end up hurt badly. What if it doesn't work out.? I know you... You will fall for him badly and he is just an asshole who won't give a fuck about you. You will hurt yourself. Don't do this." Pha caressed my head and said.

"Please listen guys.. It's not like that. He is really a kind and gentle person.. Just trust me on this. I know love is not the reason for this marriage but we both are getting what we want.. He is getting her mom's happiness and I... I am getting a family.. My own family."

It was a mess to finally make my friends understand that I really want to do this and I'm sure of my decision. Somehow I finally managed to convince them to atleast give Forth a chance.

"Ok.. If that's your final decision and you are actually happy then we will be there for you to wish you luck. However.. I still don't feel good about Forth. We will go with you to your place today. I want to have a little talk with him." Pha said and Kit gave an affirmation to his plan.

"Ok.. Let me talk to him first." I called Forth and told him about how my friends are a bit worried and want to talk to him a little just to be sure.

"It's fine.. They care about you. Call them tonight for dinner. I will come with Lam a bit late but will have dinner with your friends. Don't worry I will manage." Forth said on the call.

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