3. Monday 3rd

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The buzz of Keith's alarm woke him up. He put it out and got up quickly. His eyes were tired and his hair was messy. He went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and hair. He put it up in a ponytail and went back to his room. He got dressed. He wore black, ripped jeans with an oversized hoodie.

He looked over at Lance and saw he was still sleeping. He woke him up and Lance furrowed his eyebrows.

"Keith? What are you doing?"

"Waking you up. Now get up, lazy" he said.
Lance got up and looked at Keith.

"What time is it? You're already dressed and ready" he seemed confused.

"It's 8:20, you still have 30 minutes" he got out of the room and to the kitchen for breakfast.

He made three toasts, one for him and two for Lance. Lance got downstairs and looked over at Keith at the kitchen table.


"I made you toasts" Keith smiled and Lance looked even more confused.

"Why?" He grabbed the toast and put peanut butter on them.

"How about 'oh thank you so much, Keith!'" He smiled sarcastically and looked back at Lance.

"Sorry, I'm just not used to it" he chuckled awkwardly and ate his food. "But thanks" he smiled at Keith and grabbed his phone.

It soon was time to go to school, they went outside and started walking.

"How do you manage to get up so early?" Lance asked.

"I don't know, I just do I guess"

"You look fresh for a morning person"

"Thank you, I guess?" They laughed as they reached the school.

They got in and Keith went to the office. It was mostly empty except for a few kids. He walked over to the front desk and waited to have the woman's attention.

"What can I do for you?" She asked

"I'm the new student, I need my schedule and my locker number" he smiled as the girl tapped something on her computer.

"And what's your name?"

"Keith Kogane"

"Ok, I'll get a student to show you around." She said. She took the intercom and looked something before speaking.

"Katie Holt in the office. I repeat, Katie Holt in the office" she said. "You can go sit over there, she will be here for you soon" the woman smiled and gave him papers for his schedule.

A small girl came in the office and walked to the front desk. She talked for a few seconds with the woman before going over to Keith.

"Hi, I'm Pidge" she put her hand out and Keith shook it.

"I'm Keith, wasn't your name Katie?" He asked.

"Well it's my official name, but I go by Pidge"


"We can go see where your locker is and then I can show you around" she said. Keith nodded and they started walking. "So what's your locker number?"

"1045" he said.

"Oh that's close to my friend, Hunk"

"Cool, so what grade are you in?"

"I'm a freshman but I mostly take senior classes" she smiled at him.

She is so small

"Are you that smart?"

"Yeah. I'm pretty smart. People bully me for it" she laughed.

They arrived to the locker place and the girl walked quickly over to a big guy.

"This is Hunk!" She smiled

"Hi, are you the new student?" He smiled widely.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you!" He shook his hand before going to his locker and unlocking it. He put his stuff in it and grabbed his schedule.

"What do you have?" Hunk asked

"History with Mr. Coran"

"Oh I have a friend in this class, Lance"

"Yeah, I know him" they looked at Keith as if asking how he does. "I live with him"
They looked even more confused and he explained the situation to them.

"Oh, that's cool." Pidge said. Lance appeared from no were and walked over to Hunk and Pidge with a big smile on his face. On his way he spit a couple pick up lines to random girls. 

He went to hug Hunk from behind and smiled.
"Hey friends" he said. Pidge got out of the way and Lance saw Keith.

"Hey, it's Keith!" He smiled at Keith and quickly waved.

"He has his first class with you" Hunk said.

"Oh you have Mr. Coran?"


"He's super nice, you'll love him" Lance said.

They walked to their class and finally arrived to the classroom. The teacher greeted every student that came in his class and smiled so much. He stopped Keith and made him introduce himself in front of the whole class.

"I'm Keith, 18"

"Give us a fun fact Keith!" Coran said. The class didn't seem to like him, especially that one kid, so he thought he would intimidate them.

"I like to fight" he said before walking over to his seat next to Lance.

In the middle of class, that kid threw a paper ball at him. He unmade it read what it said.

I don't know who you are but you don't scare me so just stay in place and don't bother me or I'll beat you up.

He was not intimidated by him, he just chuckled and wrote back.

Well maybe I know how to fight

He threw it back and he heard the boy scoff.
He looked back and glared at Keith, he looked angry.

"That's James, don't worry about him, he never beats anyone up" lance whispered.

At lunch, Keith is with Pidge, Lance and Hunk under a tree outside. It was nice and warm. Keith put in his earphones and started his music. He closed his eyes and just relaxed.

It's was all good until Lance disturbed him. He took out Keith's earphones and put them in his ears. He gasped and looked at Keith in surprise. He took them out and looked at around at Everyone.

"You are soft" Lance said. Keith was confused and looked at his phone, 'this is home' was playing.

"Ugh it's one song" he said

"Still, I think you're soft" Lance looked up and down Keith and the other looked confused.

The rest of the day went by fast and they were soon back Home. They ate dinner and Lance's mom asked how their day at school was.

"It was great! Keith made friends with my friends!" Lance said

"It was ok" Keith added.

He didn't want to bring the attention to him, he hated attention.

The smell of Coffee and coconutWhere stories live. Discover now