23. Saturday 22nd

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The party was tonight and Keith and Lance were getting ready. Lance was gonna wear overalls with a band t-shirt. He was even gonna put on a little bit of lipstick. Keith was planning on wearing a long white skirt with a baggy t-shirt and his platform shoes but he was worried because Lotor was gonna be there.
Keith was growing anxious, and to be honest, he would do anything not to see him.

"Are you ok? You seem nervous" Lance asked, Keith looked in his direction and shook his head.

"Honestly? No, I'm really anxious because Lotor is going to the party... and because I'm wearing a skirt and- I don't even know" Keith said, Lance got closer and placed his hands on Keith's shoulders.

"It'll be okay, I'll stay right there with you," he started, "and if Lotor even gets close to you I'll kick his ass" Lance chuckled, Keith laughed and looked up into Lance's eyes.

"Thanks, Lance" he thanked him, Lance smiled and hugged his friend.
"Of course"


The boys were driving to Rolo's house, Keith's leg was bouncing. Lance gently placed his hand on it and looked softly in Keith's eyes.
"It'll be okay, Keith" he said, Keith sighed as they pulled up the street. There were many cars parked and a few people outside talking.

Lance and Keith got out of the car and walked towards the house. They went inside and immediately noticed how giant the house was on the inside.

"Let's go find Pidge, she said she was in the kitchen grabbing drinks" Lance said loudly, Keith nodded. Lance took Keith's hand in his and started heading for the kitchen.
In there, the music was slightly muffled and there were a few less people. There was a small group playing truth or dare and surprisingly a lot of couples making out.

Pidge was sitting on a stool with a red cup in her hand. The two boys waved at her from across the room and walked towards her.

"Hey Pidge!" Lance exclaimed, he hugged the girl.
"Keith!! I love your outfit it's so pretty!" Pidge said, the boy smiled and half-hugged her.
"You guys want a drink?" She asked,
"Yes pleaseee, I need alcohol right now" Lance answered, he grabbed a cup and filled it with a punch that had unknown alcohol in it.

"No thanks, I wanna stay sober" Keith said, Pidge nodded. "Anyways, we should go to the living room! That's where the real party's at" She said, she intertwined both her arms with the boys' and walked them to the other room.

Keith ended up in the corner of the room, he wasn't really a party animal. He looked where Lance was just two seconds ago just to see he wasn't there anymore. His heart started beating faster and his hands were shaking.

"Keith, You made it!" A familiar voice said, he looked up and saw Lotor. His breath hitched and he had difficulty breathing. Lotor grabbed Keith's wrist and started walking away.
"Let's go somewhere more private" he said viciously.

Keith's mind was blurry and he couldn't think straight. He suddenly came to his senses and tried to pull his hand away only to have Lotor hold on tighter.
"Let go!" Keith shouted, trying to get Lotor to stop holding his wrist.

T/W: Sexual assault

Lotor stayed silent and pushed him inside a bed room. Tears started streaming down Keith's face and all he could think about was how he shouldn't have come.

Lotor pushed him on the bed and held his wrists above his head, he kissed Keith only to have the smaller boy bite his lip.
"RAPE!!! Rape!! Help!!" Keith's yelled.
"You're gonna regret doing that" Lotor said. Keith tried to push Lotor away with his large shoes only to have the latter slap him. Lotor started sucking on Keith's neck and taking off his clothes.

Keith stopped trying at this point, he just cried and hoped someone would walk in and get him out of this hell.

Lotor flipped Keith on his stomach and was getting ready. The door suddenly opened, Keith looked it's way and saw Lance staring with wide eyes. Keith was silently begging Lance to do something.

"GOT OFF OF HIM!" He screamed, he pushed Lotor away, he fell on the ground and Lance kicked him in the guts.
"Fuck you, you asshole! I hope you burn in hell!" Lance shouted as he took Keith's hand and walked out of the room.

"Let's go outside" Lance said, he pulled Keith out the door, a lot of the people who were there when they arrived were already inside partying.
Keith sat on the porch swing and silently cried.

"I'm sorry Keith..." Lance said quietly, Keith looked at him in pain and slapped him (not too hard).

"You weren't there, Lance. You told me you'd stay with me the whole time and that everything was gonna be alright" Keith told him, Lance looked down.
"I'm sorry, I should've stayed" Lance said, he looked up into Keith's eyes and stared at his wet cheeks.

"Yeah... you should've" Keith looked down, "look I ca-" Lance was cut off by the ring of Keith's phone.
"Hold on," Keith answered the phone and immediately, his face fell.

"...what?" Tears rolled down Keith face, "no..." he said, he pulled the phone away from his ear and he looked at Lance with eyes full of sadness yet they were empty.

"W-what's going on?" Lance asked, Keith hung up the phone and kept staring at Lance's face.
"It's Shiro... he got in an accident" Keith said emotionless. Lance immediately held Keith tight, he took his hand and pulled him towards the car.


Once they got home, Keith took off his shoes and went straight to bed. Lance took off his shirt and put on pyjama pants and went in his own bed and stared at Keith's back.
His thoughts were rushing, he didn't know what to think or what to say.

"Wanna cuddle?" He asked silently, Keith turned around and looked Lance in the eye, "sure" he got out of his bed and slipped in Lance's. Lance held Keith tightly, he could feel the latter's breath on his bare chest.

They both slowly drifted to sleep and dreamt about each other.

OKKKK so angst AND fluff niceeeee, I hope you liked it. Also don't worry, Shiro isn't dead.

The writing might be lazy but I reallyyyyy wanted to write a chapter, I'll probably write another this week.

Ok bieeee💗💗

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