15. Monday 17th (2)

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Lance closed his eyes and relaxed, he could hear the water of the lake moving, it was kinda calming.

On Keith's side, he was completely panicked, in the water. He got his head out and panted, he looked around and saw Lance lying in the sand. He sighed and got out of the lake completely.
He walked towards Lance and sat down on his towel.

"Why'd you leave so quickly?" Lance asks, without even opening his eyes.

"I just got really hot" Keith answered, he started stressing out. What if Lance found out what happened?

"Hm... hey Keith?"


"Wanna race to the lake?" Lance asked, already getting up. Keith looked up at him, question marks in his eyes when Lance suddenly started running towards the water.
Keith immediately realized what just happened and got up as fast as possible.

They both ran in direction of the lake, Lance got in first.

Keith fell face first in the water, he got up and both started laughing.
Lance splashed some water into Keith's face, he tried hiding his face behind his hands but he was unsuccessful.

"You are not getting away with this!" Keith laughed. He threw some water In Lance's face, Lance submerged his head into the water. Keith imitated him, he opened his eyes in the clear water lake before getting out. He rubbed his eyes and they both chuckled.

They got out of the water and wrapped their towels around their shoulders.

Lance got out the sandwiches and handed one to Keith.

"What's in them?" Keith asked, Lance shrugged and took a bite. They both ate their mystery sandwiches in silence before they saw a girl walking towards them.

"Hey... where are Shiro and your dad?" Lance asked, Keith's eyes widened and he looked down to his lap.

"...you know where they are Lance. Don't make me tell you." Keith responded.

"I really don't."

"They're in Texas, Lance." Keith started, he looked towards Lance with eyes filled with emotions, tears waiting to roll down his cheeks.
"They're in Texas and my brother is stuck with that fucking asshole" Keith said in pain, he looked back down and tears streaming down his face.

He held his face in his hands, it had been a while since Keith cried. He always kept his emotions in, he never really showed them. Lance was left in shock, he rested his hand on Keith's back and rubbed circles.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Lance asked, Keith shook his head and fell in Lance's arms, he dug his head on Lance's shoulder and held tight.

Lance softly played with Keith hair and out of no where, Keith pulled away and wiped his tears. He cleared his throat and sniffed before getting up.

"Where're you going?" Lance asked, looking up at Keith.

"Back to the camping site" he replied, grabbing his stuff.

"What? Wait why?" Lance questioned, he got up and followed Keith.

"I'm tired, Lance" he answered. Lance stopped in his track and looked at Keith walking away.

The smell of Coffee and coconutWhere stories live. Discover now