24. Sunday 23rd

153 6 61

T/W: use of the F slur, Homophobia
A/N: this one ur gonna like😌

Keith's eyes slowly opened, he could feel Lance's strong arms around him, his eyes quickly went wide when he realized Lance didn't have a shirt on. His cheeks went red and his heart started beating.

The party's events quickly came back into his head.
"Let's go somewhere more private"
"I'm sorry, I should've stayed"
"Your brother is hurt, Keith"
"Wanna cuddle?"

Tears formed in Keith's eyes and his body started shaking, he cuddled closer to Lance and rolled up in a tight ball.

"Keith?" Lance's rough morning voice said quietly, Keith looked up.
"Hey, it's fine ok? I'm here, no one is gonna hurt you" Lance reassured him
"Could you say that again?" Keith asked, looking down, "that everything is fine" he said, Lance nodded.
"Everything is fine, I won't let anything happen to you. I promise" Lance said.

Lance kept Keith close, he played with a few strands of his hair as Keith was calming down.
"Wanna go eat something?" Lance asked, Keith looked up with his glossy eyes and nodded,
"Can I change though? I still have all my jewelry from last night" Keith sniffed, Lance chuckled and nodded.

"Of course, I'll wait for you downstairs" Lance let go of Keith as he got out of bed, he threw him a smiled before walking out of the bedroom.

Keith stripped from his clothes and stared at his bruised body in the mirror. He wiped away his tears and clean underwear.

T/W: body image issues, body dysmorphia, mention of self harm scars

He got closer to the mirror and stared at his dark circles, his pores, his blackheads, his greasy hair, his dry skin, his pimples and any other imperfection.
He looked at his body, the stretch marks on his back, on his thighs, on his calves. He stared at the scar on his shoulder.

He stared at the scars on his arms, the ones he did to himself. He was so ashamed. It had been a while but the scars were still there, he just wanted them to go away.

Keith put on a hoodie and some sweatpants and walked down the stairs. Lance looked up and smiled, he was preparing some eggs and bacon.

"Keithy! I made breakfast" Lance said, Keith blushed and looked down.
"Don't call me that" he complained, Lance rolled his eyes playfully and placed the food in two plates.

"Here," Lance put one of the meals in front of Keith and grabbed two forks from the utensil drawer. Lance sat next to Keith and took a bite from his food.

"So how'd you sleep?" Lance asked with his mouth still full.
"It was fine I guess, nothing extraordinary" Keith replied, he didn't look at Lance, he kept his eyes on his food.

"I'm sorry about Shiro, do you know what happened?" Lance asked, he noticed a tear started forming but Keith quickly blinked it away.
"He got in an car accident, my mom's at the hospital with him" Keith stated, he looked Lance in the eye, you could see he felt sorry.

"Are you gonna go see him?" Lance asked, Keith shook his head quickly.
"No. My father's gonna be there" Keith said, Lance looked down to his plate and took another bite.
"I could go with you, at least you wouldn't be alone" he proposed, Keith looked him in the eye and smiled softly,
"You'd really do that?"

"Of course! I'm here for you, I'll even hold your hand" Lance said the last part quietly, Keith felt his cheeks warming up and he couldn't help but smile.
"Ok well I was supposed to go at about 1pm, what time is it?" He asked, Lance took a glance at his phone to see the time,
"It's 12:47" he stated, Keith grunted and got up,
"Make sure to dress extra straight" Keith said before walking up the stairs.

The smell of Coffee and coconutWhere stories live. Discover now