12. Sunday 16th

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The sound of metal being hit loudly ringed through the house as Mrs. McClain hit two pots together. Everyone immediately woke up, the sound was so loud the neighbour came to complain.

Keith opened his eyes sat up with a headache already installed. He got out of the room in hopes that Lance's mother would stop, she said only when everyone is up. Soon enough, the rest of the family got out of their room and she finally stopped, it was 6am. She lead the way and made everyone breakfast. Their eyes were still tired and they closed often on their own, the only ones that weren't tired were Lance's mom and Keith since they both got up early in the week.

As soon as everyone was done, she urged them to get dressed, but comfortably to be ready for the road trip. Lance and Keith made their way to the room and each got dressed one at a time. Lance wore sweatpants and a hoodie while Keith wore loose jeans and a sweater.

They went downstairs with their bags and sat on the couch lazily. They talked for a few minutes before Veronica joined them. She pushed Keith away and sat in the middle of the two.

"What do you want?" Lance asked, he glared at her before smiling in Keith's direction.

"Why? Is there a problem?" She asked back.

"Yeah, I was talking to Keith"

"Ooooh, it's cause you wanna be next to your boyfriend. I get it" she said before getting up. Both Lance and Keith were blushing uncontrollably and they looked away before Lance got up. Keith sighed and took his phone. He texted Pidge telling her he wouldn't be able to answer his texts that much since they were leaving soon. Lance sat back down closer than last time. He smiled at Keith who sent back the smile.

"Ok, I got something for us, but it's a secret you can't tell anyone" Lance said. Keith nodded and Lance got the gadget from behind his back.

A portable charger.

"So we won't have to leave our phones in front of the car too much. And I thought we could watch Netflix or something" Lance said.

"Yeah, that sounds fun" Keith smiled, they went back to talking about the trip when Krolia called everyone over. They went to see her and she explained the rules of the road trip like 'no screaming', 'no fighting' and stuff like that. They all put their baggage in the car and got in.

Lance and Keith were all the way in the back so they would get less heating so they brought a blanket. They got in and sat in each their place and started chatting with each other.

"Soooo, Keith" Lance started, he tilted his head and Keith's direction. The latter looked at Lance and smiled as a sign to continue.

"Where's your dad? If you don't mind me asking" Lance asked, Keith's smile faded and he looked down.

"He's um.. back in Texas" he answered, Lance smiled sadly and rested his hand on Keith's.

"It's gonna be ok, Keith. You'll see them again" he reassured, Keith could feel his cheeks burning up. He looked Lance in the eyes and just stared, his freckles, his lashes, everything. He looked down at their hands and teared up before taking his away.

"Did- did I do something wrong?" Lance asks in a worried tone. Keith shook his head and looked out the window sadly.

"No, I just- I just don't wanna get attached." He stated. Lance could feel his heart break.

Why didn't he want to get close?

"Wh- can I ask why?"

"I just don't-" he started, he looked up at Lance with tears threatening to fall.
"I don't wanna get hurt" he finishes, Lance brushes a piece of hair out of Keith's face and smiles.

"I won't hurt you, Keith. You can trust me" he states, Keith's cheeks were bright pink. He wiped away the tears and got unbuckled. He moved to the middle seat next to Lance. The other boy looked at him with a curious look.

Keith buckled his belt and grabbed one of the blankets they brought. He wrapped himself in it and rested his head on Lance's shoulder.

Lance was blushing, he just looked down at Keith. He couldn't even try to hide his surprised face. He wrapped his arm around Keith and placed his head on Keith's.

Krolia looked at the boys with a surprised but sweet look. She turned back around and visibly whispered something to Lance's mom. She smiled and kept driving silently.

The two boys eventually fell asleep. They suddenly woke up after Lance's mom stopped for snacks. Lance lifted his head and looked around sleepily. Keith was awake but kept his head on Lance's shoulder.

Veronica was about to get out of the car before looking at Lance and asking him if they wanted something. Lance asked for candy and Keith for ketchup chips.

(I live in Canada and we have those. I feel like Keith would like them)

Lance played with Keith's hair before he lifted it.

"By the way, that was completely platonic" he states, Lance chuckled before agreeing.

"Of course, why wouldn't it be?" He says, Keith  Shrugs looks away.

The smell of Coffee and coconutWhere stories live. Discover now