14. Monday 17th

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Everyone got out of the car and got all their stuff out. The moms started setting the tents up while everyone else gathered around the fire camp. They brought pancake mix and a pan. They made breakfast and ate together.

Lance tapped Keith's shoulder to get his attention. The latter turned to look at Lance, he had the sweetest, cutest look on his face (in Lance's opinion)

"Yeah?" Keith asked, Lance had a concerned look on his face.

"What happened in the car earlier? You were all shaky and stuff" Lance asks, Keith frowns and looks away.

"It's just anxiety, nothing bad" he answered. Lance shook his head and got up. He grabbed Keith by his wrist and pulled him away from all the other people.

"Nope, I won't take it as an answer. I know something's wrong, so what is it?" He asks firmly, Keith furrowed his eyebrow a and looked down.

"I just had a... nightmare" he stated, Lance's expressions soften and he rests his hand on Keith's shoulder.

"It's gonna be ok... what was the dream about, if you don't mind me asking?"

"My dad... and Shiro" he stated.

"So what happened to them? Why did you and your mom move away?" He asks, Keith sighs and looks down.

"It's a long story. And it's none of your business" Keith stated, he headed back to the fire.

"Oh. Ok." Lance says quietly, he looks down at the grass and himself, goes back to the camping site.

Lance sat down next to Veronica, she looks at him with concern and puts her hand on his shoulder. He looks at her and smiled warmly, he rests his head on her shoulder.

"You guys should talk, and you share a tent so it's gonna be easy to be alone" she states, Lance's eyes widen.

"What?" He shouts, everyone looks at them.

"Yeah, I share with mom, the brothers together, you and Keith and Krolia is alone" she explains, Lance looked frightened. He already had to share his room with him, why did he have to share his tent?

"Mommmmm" he wined, "why do I have to share my tent" he finished, his mom rolled her eyes and looked in his direction.

"Because we only have 4 tents and not everyone can be alone in one" she answered, Lance groaned loudly and rolled his eyes.

"Fineeee. I'm going to the lake, anyone wanna come?" He asked, he looked around before Keith raised his hand and got up.

"I'll come with you" he states, they changed into their swimsuits and grabbed a bag with whatever they would need. Sunscreen, sandwiches, water, towels.

The lake was only a few minutes away, you could see it from the camping site so it would be hard to get lost. There even was a few cabins, rich people cabins.

It was a sand beach, there still were some rocks but it was mostly sand. Lance layed his towel on the sand and sat on it. He took off his shirt and put some sunscreen on.

He applied some to his arms, slowly reaching his toned chest. Keith couldn't help but stare, I mean, look at him. His skin glowed in the sun, he was like a god or something.

Lance moved to his legs, then to his face.

"Never forget the ears, mullet" he said while putting some on his ears. Keith had a big fat blush on his cheeks he couldn't even try to hide.

The smell of Coffee and coconutWhere stories live. Discover now