Chapter 1

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"Jennie Unnie."


"Because she's sexy."

Jennie smiled at the memory with a playful eye roll.

"So bold," she whispered under her breath. Just another interview and just another silly comment made by her silly maknae. Jennie wasn't really surprised anymore with the way Lisa spoke about her. She's always been the cheesy type, maybe even the cringe type. It was actually painfully adorable, but she's not one to admit to that.

"Jennie Unnie!"

Speak of the devil

Jennie lifted her eyes up from her phone and met wide, bright doe eyes. They were always so bright. The small brunette didn't know it at the time but she absolutely loved the light in Lisa's eyes. It gave her a sense of comfort and security.

"Yes?" Jennie asked but then yelped in surprised. Lisa thought it'd be amusing to jump up and down on her precious bed. "Yah!" Lisa giggled as Jennie continued to throw her pillows at her to get her to stop but not her Nini bear.

Never her Nini bear.

The orange haired girl plopped herself down across from Jennie with a wide smile. "Guess what?"

"What?" Jennie placed her phone down and looked at the excited girl questioningly. And with a loud squeal, Jennie winced from the sound but giggled lightly. "What Lis?"

"They're going to dye my hair blonde again! But apparently it's going to be different." Jennie furrowed her eyebrows together and tilted her head,

"What do they mean different? Blonde is blonde." Jennie was internally cringing. She never really liked the blonde look Lisa had before. Jennie also wasn't very fond of her orange hair either.  But Jennie didn't have the heart to tell the younger one in front of her that. Lisa was known to be pretty sensitive when it came to her looks. The older one always scolded her when Lisa never believed she was pretty. But she was pretty. She's extremely pretty.

Nodding, Lisa replied, "That's what I said, but they said it was going to be a darker shade of blonde, what ever that means." Lisa crawled over beside Jennie and tucked in her long legs under her blankets. Humming, Jennie reached over and played with Lisa's bangs,

"When are you getting it dyed?" The brunette smiled seeing Lisa cuddling into her side. What a baby. Lisa yawned and closed her eyes,

"Tomorrow." Jennie hummed once more and brushed her fingers through the younger ones hair,

"You're going to be bald soon, I hope you're prepared for the inevitable," She teased. Lisa chuckled and fluttered open her brown eyes again. She then reached up and played with the ends of Jennie's hair,

"Not fair, your hair always looks perfect." She pouted. Jennie glanced at those plumped lips for a second and looked back into the tired, happy eyes. The corner of her lip tugged upwards into a smirk,

"That's because I'm Jennie Kim and Jennie Kim is always perfect." She ruffled Lisa's bangs before sliding under the blankets with her after turning off her lights. "Guess you're sleeping here?" From the darkness, she could hear Lisa shifting in the bed and sliding closer to her. She felt her slender arm wrap around her waist. And, involuntary shivered feeling Lisa's face burying in the crook of her neck. Lisa sighed in content, making her breath tickle the tiny hairs on Jennie's neck.

"Yup," she ended with a popping sound of the 'p.' Jennie chuckled and closed her eyes, leaning closer to the warmth of Lisa's body.

That night, Jennie slept with a smile on her face. And, no, it didn't have anything to do with being wrapped in Lisa arms. Nope. Nothing like that.

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