Chapter 3

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Studies say that "women feel attractive and confident when their hair is in tip-top shape, versus if they were having a "bad hair day." Those results allows us to safely conclude that looks indeed matter, whether for personal self-esteem reasons or societal standards."

It's silly.

It's really silly.

Okay maybe it wasn't silly. But, it was really weird to her.

Jennie felt absolutely weird that she couldn't stop —nohasn't stopped staring at Lisa since she's changed into her dress for the music video.

She was glowing, that was for sure

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She was glowing, that was for sure. 

Jennie watched from the reflection of the mirror. She watched the way Lisa smoothed down her tight blue button up dress, showing off the curves she never even knew she had. The brunette watched the way she brushed her hair to the back, exposing her prominent collar bones. Since when did Lisa have mole there?  she thought to herself.

"Fifteen more minutes Lisa!" With that, Jennie found herself finally free from Lisa's figure. And when she caught a sight of her own reflection, a quiet gasp escaped her parted lips.

Why was she blushing so furiously? The last time she blushed this way was when she accidentally caught her parents-- well, she rather not speak of it. But the blush wasn't from embarrassment. She didn't feel mortified or embarrassed in any way. But then, what was she feeling?

Lisa turned towards one of the production crew and sent a grin, "Okay!"

Jennie shook it off, thinking it may just be her nerves. Her scene was right after Lisa's so she had another hour or more to prepare herself. She stood up and leaned forward, applying a little more lip gloss on her lips.

But, a sudden warmth behind her almost made her drop the gloss completely

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But, a sudden warmth behind her almost made her drop the gloss completely. And, when a familiar hand was gently placed on her side, while the other hand combed their fingers down her light purple extensions, Jennie felt herself shiver in the most pleasurable way. Especially when she could feel the finger tips lightly grazing down her spine.

She absolutely loved it.

"I like your hair Unnie."

But she absolutely hated that name in particular.

Jennie met her favorite doe eyes from the mirror. Those eyes had a hint of something that had Jennie take in a sharp breath. But it was only there for a second before it was replaced with something soft. Jennie would have believed the look was all in her head, but the smug like grin on Lisa's pink lips told her otherwise. And that excited her.

"Thank you." Jennie could've sworn she squeaked but she didn't care. Lisa's soft giggle removed her embarrassment completely. Well, it would've vanished completely if Lisa didn't decide to lean closer and trap Jennie in between her arms. The blonde had her hands resting on the desk in front of her.

Their eyes stayed focused on each other from the mirror for a few heart beats when Lisa blinked and looked away from the feline eyes. Jennie let out a shaky breath when she noticed Lisa's eyes were now focused solely on her naked neck.

The atmosphere around them was different. Lisa was acting different. But, was she really? Or was Jennie so oblivious all this time to the hungry look in Lisa's eyes when she trembled against her.

"Ew, get a room Jenlisa!"

Jennie jumped in surprised and blushed timidly hearing the girls around them giggling. She shot Jisoo a playful glare before chuckling. But one person in particular didn't look too amused. Lisa sighed and placed a quick kiss on the side Jennie's neck before pulling back.

"Wish me luck Nini." And, with a final wink, Lisa exited the room.

Did she just--

With a shaky hand, Jennie touched the part that Lisa kissed and could've sworn her body shuddered at the sight of Lisa's lipstick on her skin. Her makeup artist walked by and groaned,

"Aish, that girl always leaves a kiss mark on you AFTER I finish your makeup. At least it's not on your cheek this time." The lady muttered. Jennie furrowed her eyebrows,

"Always?" She asked. The woman nodded without even sparing her a glance.

"Yeah, why? You just noticed?"

Jennie looked at her neck in the mirror again and watched her skin flush,

"Yeah, I guess I did."

And when her make up artist removed the lipstick stain on her neck, Jennie felt disappointed and she still didn't know why.

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