Chapter 4

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Jennie Kim was known to be pretty forgetful, especially during stressful times or when she's just tired. They were dancing their choreography in a smaller room with fire graphics surrounding them. And, while Jisoo, Chaeyoung and Lisa played around the room and complimented each others outfits, Jennie stayed on the side trying to remember the steps.

She could feel her knees buckling from all the dancing they had been doing for hours. Jennie tried shaking it off by focusing on the steps. But, by all the mistakes she was making, whether it was the lyrics or the movements, she was ready to drop on the floor and cry.

"Come on Jennie, you can do this," she muttered under her breath. The brunette internally cursed her body for having poor stamina. Jennie jumped up and shook her arms, trying to warm up her tired muscles. She then began again, mumbling the lyrics while doing so,

"Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du-- shit!" In the middle of spinning around, her ankle somehow buckled causing her to stumble forward. Jennie clenched her eyes shut tight, ready to feel her body slam onto the floor, till hands gripped onto her waist and held her steady,

"You okay Unnie?" Jennie abruptly opened her eyes and turned her face only to meet worry filled brown eyes. The smaller one was never really aware of a few things around her.

But if that was the case, why was she hyper aware of the hands that held her waist tightly as if it was afraid to let go--or refused to let go? Why did she now notice the sweet scent of Lisa's perfume? Was that lavender? Vanilla? Or was it because of their proximity? Their faces were centimetres apart. Jennie could feel, well, everything.

Most importantly, why WAS she aware of all of these.... things (she would call it)? Why was she aware of everything the maknae has been doing?

Jennie nodded while gripping onto the hands that held her and smiled sheepishly,

"Yeah, thanks. I-I kind off lost my footing there," she laughed lightly. Jennie then tried to take a step forward and away from the overwhelming warmth and soothing scent Lisa had but Lisa's grip only tightened. Jennie looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. But Lisa only sent a happy grin,

"Let me help you Unnie."

And, before Jennie knew it, Lisa pulled her back, closer to her front till they were almost pressed together.


So, so close.

The younger one slid her hands to Jennie's arms and lifted them up as if she was shooting with her hands before sliding them back to her hips. Jennie thought Lisa would leave her hands there, but it seemed like she had other plans feeling as they began to slide down her thighs.

Jennie blushed and went to protest till Lisa spoke quietly, and maybe breathlessly? "You have to bend your knees a little with this stance." Jennie could only gulp, nod and obey her maknae. Wait, did she just say obey? The blush in her cheeks darkened towards the thought.

For a while, Jennie was able to get the dance right with the help of Lisa's touche-- the help! just her help. Jennie let out a breath and beamed at Lisa,

"Thanks Lis!" Strangely, when Lisa pulled away from Jennie's body, the brunette could feel a whimper of disappointment trying to fight its way out of her throat. Her body was loving the touches and it was confusing her immensely. And, that said disappointment grew drastically when the other maknae suddenly called for Lisa to help her out.

Lisa nodded before sending her famous wink and a flying kiss to Jennie. Jennie forced out a tight lip smile and watched Lisa walk, well, skip towards the red haired girl.

She felt anxious, it was like a green monster was growing inside her and twisting her stomach. But, seeing as Lisa never touched Chaeyoung at all, not even once, a sudden smirk of triumph grew on Jennie's lips.

You could say, the rest of filming went by way too easy for Jennie. It definitely wasn't because she purposely messed up for Lisa to happily assist her. Nope. Not at all.

 Not at all

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