Chapter 5

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After hours, the girls were finally able to go home. Jennie's whole body ached from all the dancing she did. So, the moment she got home and being too lazy to walk to her own room, Jennie ended up belly flopping onto the couch.

"I missed you my love." Her eyes were closed and she had a small satisfied grin on her lips. She could hear shuffling nearing her but kept her eyes closed,

"Hope you're talking about me."

Jennie peeked her eye opened and tiredly chuckled. She eyed Lisa's playful smile before closing her eyes again,

"You wish," She teased. Lisa let out a breathy chuckle, a chuckle that sounded way too attractive. The sound had her toes curling. What the hell was going on with Jennie's libido? She never had these thoughts for Lisa. Right?

Jennie flipped over and stretched her body with a tiny whine escaping her, "God, I'm sore." Lisa hummed while lifting up the older girls legs. Jennie watched as Lisa sat herself down and gently placed the older ones legs over lap. She watched the concern swim in the blonde's face as she observed Jennie's slightly swollen ankle. Lisa clicked her tongue,

"You pushed yourself way too hard today." When warm hands were placed over the ankle, and when those said warm hands began to gently massage the ache away, Jennie hummed in pure happiness. Whenever Jennie was feeling awful either physically or mentally, Lisa always tried to do anything to make Jennie happy. Why had she suddenly realized that now?

Lisa makes Jennie happy.

Jennie suddenly smiled. Lisa looked way too soft with that cute concentrated face. So, when Jennie nudged Lisa's flat stomach with her other foot and when Lisa met the older one's gummy smile, she found herself giggling.

"What?" She asked. Jennie just shrugged with a cute pout,

"You just look so serious," the brunette mused but squealed when Lisa lightly tickled her feet,

"Says you," Lisa fired back while sticking out her tongue. "Find me a video where you're actually smiling during stage rehearsal practice." Lisa paused with a challenging smirk that had Jennie's heart skipping a beat. "I'll wait." Jennie gaped at her and nudged her playfully,

"Excuse me for hating mornings!" She shouted. Jennie wanted to be annoyed but watching Lisa enter a laughing fit had her giggling as well. Lisa's energy was indeed contagious. After a few moments, the two grew silent and miraculously, Jennie was comfortable with it.

Jennie was never one to enjoy the silence. She felt like the quiet was louder than sound. But, laying on the couch with Lisa idly rubbing her legs gently, trying to remove the dull ache in her muscles while humming a sweet tune here and there, Jennie felt like she was really home. The feeling was warm in her chest.

"Are you nervous?"

'With you touching me like this? Who wouldn't?' is what Jennie wanted to ask, but she ended up asking "For what?" instead.

She watched Lisa's shoulders lift up and down with a tiny pout. Jennie want squeal with how adorable she looked, especially when she was in her fluffy hoodie but stayed silent with a small smile.

"The comeback. I mean, we've been on a year hiatus and," she sighed and shrugged again, "I don't know." Jennie sighed and opened her arms,

"Come here and cuddle with me." Lisa looked at her questioningly causing Jennie to quirk up an eyebrow, "Don't give me that look, I know you enjoy my cuddles."

Lisa laughed lightly before sliding over to Jennie. Jennie turned on her side with Lisa doing the same. Facing each other, they naturally tangled their legs together and shared a sweet smile. Jennie reached up and placed a strand of hair behind Lisa's ear,

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. But knowing I have you girls with me, what's there to be nervous about?" She asked with a cheeky smile that Lisa couldn't help but mirror. Lisa leaned forward and booped their noses together,

"You're way too cute you know that?"

Jennie felt herself grow shy under Lisa's loving eyes. Those brown eyes had her hiding her face in the crook of Lisa's neck. And, hearing Lisa laugh and wrap her arms around the older one's waist tightly had Jennie's face feeling hot.

Not even a few minutes later, Jennie entered her dream state. It wasn't only because of the dancing, it was the warmth of Lisa's body. It was the soothing scent along with the way Lisa brushed Jennie's hair while humming a song. But most importantly, it was the rhythm of Lisa's heart.

And, that night Jennie realized something interesting.

Jennie's heart wasn't the only one racing that night.

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