Chapter 2

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Jennie loved the girls with everything that she had. They were her family, her sisters. Well, Lisa was more like a little brother to her. An obnoxiously cute little brother. Out of all of them, she had to say Lisa was the one that could really make her laugh or make her feel like a protector. Being the second oldest, Jennie had a sense of protection when it came to Rosé or Lisa. Especially Lisa. Lisa always seemed to look vulnerable to the older one.

"So the girls are getting their hair dyed today?" Jisoo asked, her eyes never leaving her nintendo switch. Jennie nodded with her eyes down to the book she was reading. Both girls were seated in the living room. Jennie on the couch while Jisoo sat on the floor with her back leaning against the couch.

"Yeah, and apparently Rosie's hair is going to be bright red."

Jisoo whistled, "That's a big jump from the color brown." Jennie only hummed as response while flipping another page. "What about Lali?" The raven haired girl asked.


From the corner of Jennie's eyes, Jisoo visibly shuddered. "Hopefully they'll give her a better hair cut this time." The brunette chuckled with a slight nod.

"Hopefully this new hair of hers will give her confidence." A frown was visible on her lips. She remembered an interview where Lisa said she was the ugliest member. It clenched her heart.

"We're home!" Jennie's ears picked up the sound of her chipmunks cute voice. Jisoo placed the nintendo switch down and stood up with an exasperated sigh,

"Finally! it's been 8 hours since you left and this book worm had me dying of boredom." Jennie playfully narrowed her eyes and shoved Jisoo's butt with her feet. Chuckling lightly, they both made their way to entrance only to stop and gawk at the bright red hair. "Woah! Chaeyoung! You look great!" A pink color was visible on Rosé's cheeks. She timidly smiled and brushed her fingers through her hair.

"Thank you Jisoo Unnie. Wait till you see Lisa!"

And, as if on cue, a slender figure walked in with a huff, "Thanks for making me carry all the bags Park Chaeyoung." Sarcasm was laced in her playful tone. She dropped the bags and rolled her neck side to side before brushing her fingers through her newly dyed hair.


She's blonde again but why does her aura seem different?

She seemed, different.

While Jisoo was complimenting the younger ones happily, Jennie stayed silent on the side

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While Jisoo was complimenting the younger ones happily, Jennie stayed silent on the side.

Different. She looks different. She seems different.

Jennie couldn't look away. She was struggling to remove her feline eyes off of this new barbie like creature in front of her.

Why did her eyes suddenly look bigger and brighter? Why did her lips suddenly stand out. But, most importantly, why did her heart suddenly skip a beat when Lisa laughed and whined as Jisoo tried to touch her bangs. And, why did her heart suddenly race when their eyes met? Such soft eyes.

"Do you like my hair Jennie Unnie?" Lisa asked. Jennie opened her mouth, but her throat felt dry so she just nodded while forcing out a smile. But that only earned her a pout from the younger one.

"Doesn't seem like it."

That pout.

Jennie giggled before stepping towards the taller one. She lifted her hand up and played with the ends of Lisa's hair. And, when she looked up, her smile widened towards Lisa's obvious shy smile. Unconsciously, Jennie twirled Lisa's hair with her finger,

"I love it Lis. You look really pretty."

Lisa blushed and timidly averted her gaze down to her feet,

"Thank you Unnie."

Jennie fought back a frown.

Since when did she start hating the word 'Unnie?'

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