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It was like a dream. The sight was something no one would have ever believed would be possible. Jennie and Lisa laid naked under the sheets, tangled together and watching their fingers fiddling against each other. One was smiling in admiration, the other one was pouting.

"Do you really have to go?" Jennie asked in a low whisper, watching how her hands fit perfectly against Lisa's. The younger one let out a soft sigh and continued drawing invisible shapes on Jennie's naked back with her other hand,

"I'll only be gone for a week love." Shes been trying to reassure Jennie that she'd be okay ever since she was told she was to be in the reality show, 'Real Men.' Jennie groaned and removed her hand from Lisa's, only to wrap it tightly around the blondes slender waist.

"A week sounds like centuries." Jennie wasn't just upset that Lisa was leaving, she was more worried for the younger ones health. When she first heard that Lisa would be in 'Real Men', she began to research everything about the show.

But, watching the episodes didn't ease her worries at all. In fact, it probably made her even more anxious than before. She even contacted the twice member, Dahyun, and asked her about her own experience in the show.

Sensing Jennie's worry, Lisa sighed before turning her body to face the brunette. Jennie mirrored her action while also reaching over to trace her fingertips on Lisa's cheek. The blonde took a hold of that hand and placed a lingering kiss on her palm before holding it tightly,

"I'll be okay, want to know why?" She asked, dropping her hand and scooting closer to drape her arm over Jennie's hips.

"Why?" Jennie mused. Lisa hummed before tracing her finger up Jennie's curves till she was able to hold the top of the sheets. The brunette gnawed on her bottom lip in anticipation and felt her breath slowly growing heavier as Lisa slowly pulled the sheets down to reveal Jennie's naked body. And, when she felt the cold breeze, she shivered. Especially when Lisa repeatedly trailed her fingertips up and down her hips, to her curves in a slow movement.

"Because, this image will keep me going." Lisa said. Jennie giggled and raised an eyebrow,

"Oh yeah?" She asked, her voice sounding slightly breathless. Lisa simply nodded and continued her movements. Jennie hummed, closing her eyes as Lisa was now trailing her fingers on her collar bones, down to the valley of her breast.

She exhaled in content as Lisa's finger lightly played with her hardened nipple. But, feeling that finger trailing lower and lower had her abdomen tighten causing her to also press her thighs together.

"Yeah." Lisa husked. Jennie fluttered her eyes open, only to see her favorite eyes darken. It was deeply arousing to see Lisa's lips part as she dipped her finger lower till she was nearing her hardened nub.

"Oh," Jennie gasped under her breath feeling Lisa's fingers coating itself with her arousal by gliding up and down her slit. The feeling had Jennie moaning softly. She shifted till she was laying on her back again and spread her legs even wider. The action had Lisa smiling in victory and sliding closer. She began placing open mouthed kisses on Jennie's neck as she continued to work her fingers against Jennie's core.

"You're so beautiful," Lisa whispered against Jennie's neck. The older one smiled but instantly whimpered in need the moment Lisa dipped a single finger inside her. Lisa moaned from the tightness and sucked harder, not caring if she was going to leave a mark or not. She was marking what was hers.

"Lisa.." Jennie gasped out as the second finger invaded inside her. The pleasure had her arching her back and her thighs shaking in pleasure. Lisa smiled against Jennie's neck before sliding down till she was face to face with the mouth Jennie's arousal. She watched it glisten in complete hunger.

And, before Jennie knew it, Lisa latched her lips onto her clit and sucked gently. Her fingers continued to move inside her and Jennie could've sworn she was seeing stars. The pleasure was out of this world. She had to bite her lip so tightly to cover her cries of pleasure but Lisa saw that as a challenge.

The fingers inside her curled up while teeth began to nibble her folds. And, that feeling had Jennie yelping in surprise, followed by a loud moan.

"Baby...I'm going to--" She could't finish her sentence. Lisa understood what she meant and sucked onto her harshly and quickened her pace. And from there, Jennie exploded in pure ecstasy.

"Baby, I have to go." Lisa laughed while standing up with Jennie still holding onto her like a koala. Jennie shook her head and tightened her legs around Lisa's waist and continued to bury her face in the crook of her neck.

"I don't want you to go," she pouted. Lisa chuckled with the other two girls watching in amusement.

"Come on Unnie, Lisa might be late." Chaeyoung giggled. Jennie huffed before sliding down Lisa's body but still keeping her hold around her neck.

"Just a week right?" She asked, slowly looking up with teary eyes. Lisa smiled before leaning down a pressing a soft kiss on her lips.

"Just a week." she reassured. Jennie reached up and gave Lisa a quick peck,



Jisoo faked gagged, "This cuteness overload is disgusting." Jennie sent a glare to the older one before looking back at Lisa.

"Stay safe okay?" Lisa embraced her tightly and kissed the side of her head,

"I will." The taller one then leaned down to her ear, "Don't forget, I do have a beautiful image of you in my head that will keep me going." She laughed as Jennie's ear began to turn pink. Jennie scoffed and playfully hit Lisa's shoulder.

"Lisa, you have to go now." Jisoo said with a sad smile. Lisa nodded and sighed before capturing Jennie's lips, a little longer than before, savoring the moment. They pulled away,

"I love you and I'll be coming back to you."

Jennie smiled and placed her hand onto Lisa's cheek,

"And, I'll be waiting."

You could say, the moment Lisa arrived home, there was a surprise waiting for her in her room. A naked surprise... wink wink..

"I suggest you close the door..."


Thank you for reading! Never knew my books would even be noticed! I'll be back with another book! ❤️

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