Chapter 12

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Jennie and Lisa.

Lisa and Jennie.


That was their ship name made by their lovely blinks. It was cute and amusing to say the least but, there was a downfall to it.

It wasn't real.

"Hey Nini."

Jennie looked up from the pot and smiled warmly to the blonde. It's been a natural habit to always smile whenever Lisa appeared and she didn't know why, she just accepted it without a fight.

"Hi Lis." Lisa walked up and leaned her arm against Jennie's, trying to look at the pan. And, loving the warmth and comfort, Jennie leaned into her as well and rested her head on the taller ones shoulder.

"Why didn't you go out with the girls?" asked the older one as she stirred the ramen. Lisa hummed and leaned her cheek on Jennie's head, not before planting a soft kiss on her head.

"I wanted to stay with you." Jennie's heart skipped a beat. The words were simple but it created a circus in the brunettes chest. A constant chaos. Jennie lifted her head and skimmed her lips on Lisa's shoulder, smiling as the blonde shivered with her touch, before turning off the stove.

"Well, good thing you stayed because now I have someone to share this meal with." Before, Jennie could bring the pot to the table, Lisa gently swatted her hand away.

"I got it." She said and brought it to the table. Jennie smiled while shaking her head and followed the tall beauty to the table. They sat next to each other rather closely. Lisa had scooted her chair over till their sides were practically pressed against each other. Jennie didn't mind. She liked clingy Lisa.

"So, apparently it's our anniversary today," Lisa brought up while aggressively slurping up the noodles as if her life depended on it. Jennie watched in amusement and found the younger one quite adorable.

Again she's just biased.

Giggling, Jennie wiped Lisa's cheek with a napkin before placing a strand of her hair behind her ear and patting the blonde's head.

"Our anniversary?" She asked. Lisa nodded and leaned back on the chair while also draping her arm over the back of Jennie's chair.

"Yeah, it's Jenlisa day today," she chuckled with slightly pink cheeks. Jennie suddenly felt shy and also slightly giddy. Especially hearing her say, 'Our anniversary.' The way Lisa said it, it sounded so beautiful and...natural?

"But, why?" She asked. Again, Lisa shrugged,

"Well, apparently today marks the day you posted a picture of us for the first time..I think?" Jennie scrunched her eyebrows, thinking but when it dawned on her, she began to giggle while unconsciously hiding her face in the crook of Lisa's neck

"Our blinks are quite observant," she mused. Lisa chuckled and wrapped her arm around Jennie's shoulder, pulling her closer.

"I'm glad it doesn't make you uncomfortable." Lisa's voice was playful but there was a hint of worry in it that Jennie noticed instantly. She lifted her head to look up at Lisa,

"It doesn't, not even a little bit. Does it make you uncomfortable?" It was Lisa's turn to look at Jennie. Their faces were so close that the tip of their nose brushed against each other, but neither of them looked shocked by the proximity. It didn't bother them at all.

Lisa smiled while rubbing the tip of her nose against Jennies and laughed lightly when the older one scrunched her nose up cutely,

"It never did. I find it cute," she said before placing a tender kiss on Jennie's forehead. Jennie blushed with that action but couldn't stop the wide smile from appearing. She loved the soft feeling she consistently felt when the taller one acted this way with her and her alone.

As it should be.

Lisa stared at her smile and began to coo, "Awww, look at that gummy smile. So cute!" Jennie pouted and turned away from her, crossing her arms in front of her chest and huffing like a child,

"Stop, you're just saying that." Lisa giggled lightly before scooting closer and turning Jennie back around to face her. She held the brunettes chin with her fingers and continued to stare at her lips.

"You're smile is always beautiful to me Jennie."

That was the first time Lisa finally called her by her name without the formalities. Jennie shivered from the sound of her name rolling off Lisa's tongue so smoothly. She never knew she would enjoy it this much till Lisa finally said.

So, she smiled while placing her hand on the younger ones cheek.

"Happy jenlisa day Lili."

Lisa smiled even wider and leaned against Jennie's touch after placing a soft kiss on her palm. She met her favorite sharp eyes and sighed happily,

"Happy jenlisa day Nini."

You know what?

Jennie wouldn't mind if it was real.

A/N: Sorry for the late update! I injured my wrist and hand from boxing! but my left hand is finally healed so i'm at least able to type with one hand! Thank you for your patience!

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