Chapter 9

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It was way too early to be blushing.

It felt different.

They've never cuddled so intimately before.

Or... have they?

Either way, Jennie couldn't focus on anything other than the hand on her bare stomach.

Lisa didn't know. She couldn't have known. Jennie could practically feel the steady beat of the younger ones heart against her back and the soft breath tickling the hair on the base of her neck. The brunette could've sworn a tiny squeak came out of her when Lisa tightened her hold.

Sometime, as they slept, Jennie's shirt must've lifted. And they were laying close... maybe a little too close. Lisa's front was flushed against the smaller ones back. That definitely did not ease the beating of her heart. Could she hear it? But most importantly, could she feel the abnormal rhythm beating through her?

So, Jennie shifted, trying to escape from Lisa's warm, soothing embrace but that only caused the taller one to whine and pull her closer,

"Too early Nini. You're way too warm."

Again, it is way too early to be blushing.

"B-but, Lis.." She tried, but having Lisa inquisitively hum while rubbing the tip of her nose against Jennie's nape caused the girl to shut her mouth tightly and shiver.

"No buts, just let me hold you a little longer. I love the way you feel in my arms," She murmured against Jennie's hair while tracing circles with her thumb against Jennie's stomach. Jennie couldn't explain the rush she was feeling all she knew was that she loved being in those arms. The older one turned herself around and pressed her face on the soft material of Lisa's shirt, nuzzling her face into her natural scent.

"Okay." She could feel Lisa's chest move up and down as the blonde chuckled. They tangled their legs together and tightened their hold around their waists. And, feeling Lisa's lips press against the top of her head and hearing her mumble, 'Sleep tight Nini,' her eyes fluttered closed.

When they woke up, they didn't just wake up to their smiles, they woke up to Jisoo and Rose taking pictures while giggling to themselves. Jennie remembered hiding her face in the crook of Lisa's neck while the younger one scolded them for embarrassing her.

"It's too early for this!" Lisa whined. The other maknae quirked up an eyebrow,

"You do realize it's already 2:30 in the afternoon right?"

Lisa groaned and held onto Jennie tighter, "Not my fault I'm cuddling the most beautiful human in the world." And that had the other two groan in annoyance while Jennie could only flush in embarrassment.

"Lisa..." She whined which had Lisa peppering her cheeks while cooing,

"Aww, Nini is shy!"

Jisoo rolled her eyes and shuddered in disgust while the red head faked gagged. Jennie groaned and tried pushing her away by placing her hand on Lisa's face and pushing her back,

"Yah! Lis-! Stop!" For the two, it looked like a cat pushing its owners face with her fluffy paws. It was an amusing sight to watch. Lisa only giggled while pulling back and stretching her arms up.

"Wellp! That was a wonderful sleep! Let's go Chaeng! I need you to feed me." The blonde reached over and grasped onto Rosé's arm and pulled her out of the room.

"Excuse me but why do I have to feed you?!"

Jennie sat up while lifting her hand up and touching her flushed cheek with a small smile.

"You're finally noticing it all huh?" Jennie looked over to see a smug like smile grazed on Jisoo's lips. She tilted her head,

"What do you mean?" Jisoo shrugged before wordlessly walking out of the room , leaving a confused Jennie alone on the bed.

"Yah! Wait!"

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