Chapter 7

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Jennie loves traveling but hates flying

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Jennie loves traveling but hates flying. She would easily get motion sickness from it all. But what frustrates her the most was walking through the airport.

Being surrounded by people, getting pushed around and blinded from the lights by their cameras always forced the brunette to take deep breaths. Her heart always felt ready to burst and the air in her lungs would slowly be sucked out of her. She was scared and Lisa sensed it the moment they got out of the car.

So, without even a second thought, Jennie felt a slender arm hooked onto hers. The smaller looked over and was face to face by a warm smile and brown eyes filled reassurance.

"I got you," the blonde whispered before guiding them into the airport. Instead of her heart racing from the crowd, Jennie's heart was ready to combust from the warmth of the woman beside her. A woman is what Lisa was. A woman Jennie finally noticed. Lisa wasn't a child anymore, how and why did she ever see her as one?

Jennie leaned closer and wrapped her arms tightly around Lisa's. Her gaze was down and she had an obvious shy smile painted on her lips. She felt so safe and happy that she didn't notice Lisa pulling her closer and calling for their manager to block them more when the crowd was getting closer.

She was so into her own little fluffy world that she was completely unaware with the daggers Lisa shot to the manager for not paying attention.

But, by the time they were in their private room, Lisa wasted no time into scolding him. And Jennie watched from the side intensely.

"What the heck was that Manager oppa? The crowd was getting closer and no one was by our side!" She hissed. Rosé and Jisoo watched quietly and shifted awkwardly in their stance. Jennie, however, gawked.

She watched the way Lisa's sharp... so so sharp... jawline clenched in annoyance. She watched Lisa bright doe eyes glaring down at the manager while holding in a breath. Why did she look so attractive right there?

"Jennie Unnie could've been hurt!" Lisa added. "You're lucky nothing happened because if someone had so much touched a hair on her, you wouldn't just have YG to deal with." Lisa took an intimating step closer to the shorter manager who looked just about ready to piss himself, "You'd be dealing with me."

"Oh my," Jennie said quietly under her breath. Was she blushing? oh, she was blushing alright. The brunette shifted in her seat and found herself crossing and uncrossing her legs as the warmth in her chest now radiated down between her legs. She is just... wow.

Jisoo then hesitantly walked over to Lisa and placed a hand on the taller ones shoulder, "That's enough Lisa. Go sit down and cool off okay?" Lisa continued to glare down at the poor man before scoffing and walking away. And, when Lisa met Jennie's eyes, she suddenly smiled.

The duality.

Jennie watched Lisa silently (and slightly aroused) making her way to her with a little skip. She seats herself down beside Jennie and placed her hands on the brunettes already tensed thigh,

"You okay?" The brunette flickered her eyes down to the plumped and inviting lips. Those lips looked soft to the touch. Maybe even sweet to taste. (She knew Lisa loved her strawberry lipgloss) She licked her own lips before looking back up only to smirk.

Lisa's cheeks were now a light shade of pink and her eyes seemed to look shy but yet, intrigued?

Jennie lifted her hand and placed a strand of Lisa's hair behind her blushing ear. The brunette then leaned closer to the ear,

"More than okay."

She went to pull away but not before adding,

"You're sitting with me in the airplane."

And when she pulled back, Jennie couldn't help but giggle towards Lisa's blushing face.


Cute and sexy. Just my type.

Wait what?

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