Chapter 8

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Cuddles. She needed cuddles.

Whenever Jennie felt the need to relax and get her mind off of things, cuddles was always the answer. Especially when the only thing on her mind was Lisa.

Lisa. Lisa. Lisa.

Just the name had her heart pumping wildly. Her palms would sweat and her brain would feel bloated and uncomfortable with how much it was stuffed with the image of the blonde. It had a weird fluttering feeling in her gut. Was she coming down with a Lisa flu? What the hell was going on?

It was never like this. Right?

"Cuddles. I need cuddles," the brunette whispered to herself with a tiny huff. The goal was to aim for Jisoos room but the moment she walked out, she could hear Lisa singing lightly in her own room.

The tune filled the atmosphere with something light and soft. Her soft melody tickled Jennie's ear. It was like it was pulling her into the sweet scented room, taunting and teasing her.

"What do I do?" She asked herself. Jennie looked at Jisoo's door and winced with the sound of constant shooting going on inside and grimaced with the foul muffled words escaping from the older one.

Jisoo was a potty mouth when it came to Call of Duty. But, when she turned her attention back to Lisa's door, a small smile grew when she heard her giggling,

'Lily look at the camera baby!' Was heard from behind the door. It had Jennie giggling herself. Lisa's love for her cats was endless. Jennie then turned back to Jisoo's door and rolled her eyes when she heard,

'You call that shooting? My friends fish can aim better than you, you piece of sh--!' Jennie tuned her voice out instantly. She sighed and brushed her hands through her hair.

"What do I do?" She muttered to herself. But, as if on cue, one of the doors opened. And right in that moment, Jennie knew who to choose.

It was the sweet lavender scent and the soft humming paired with happy brown eyes that reeled her in like a reluctant suicidal fish-- okay, that was probably a strange metaphor but that wasn't the point.

The point was, Jennie couldn't stop the smile that grew when it was Lisa's door that opened.

"Oh, hi Unnie! What're you doing just standing here?" Lisa asked while placing Lily down to the floor. Jennie shrugged with the same happy smile that Lisa couldn't help but mirror. The gummy smile was just way too contagious.

"Nothing too important. I'm actually glad you're out though." She stated. Lisa raised an eyebrow,

"Oh?" Jennie merely hummed before taking a step closer to the taller one. Mischief was clear in the cat like eyes and it had Lisa grinning sheepishly as if she knew what she wanted. "Wait, let me guess. Cuddles?" Lisa asked. And, before Jennie could utter a word, Lisa extended her hand out,

"Lucky for you, I was going to ask for the same thing from you."

Jennie didn't know if her smile could widen even more, but it did. And, taking Lisa's soft hands felt like thousands butterflies swarming her stomach. Jennie felt her control slowly being lost in the dark and she didn't care. It was a battle she didn't mind losing in.

The blonde led them inside and, without letting go of Jennie's hand, she closed the door before dragging them to the bed. They both silently crawled on the bed and slid under the covers. Their hands were separated while doing so, but when they were settled under the blankets, Jennie rolled over to her side to face the blonde. Lisa did the same and instantly took Jennie's hand. She watched Lisa's thumb caressing her palm.

How could a simple action create a circus in her heart?

The smaller one scooted closer with Lisa draping her arm around her waist. She hummed in content when Lisa placed a soft kiss on Jennie's forehead before resting her chin on the top of her head,

"Goodnight Nini."

Jennie smiled.

She definitely made the right decision.

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