Chapter 6

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She's Jennie Kim for goodness sake.

Jennie Kim does NOT get jealous.

But, if that's the case, why is she hating the sight of Lisa's arms wrapped around Jisoos shoulder?

She didn't know why she was feeling irritated. All she really knew was that she wanted Lisa's arms off of Jisoo NOW.

Jennie tried focusing on removing the dolls pants with a happy (forced) smile during the live interview but once she saw Lisa's hands glide down Jisoos arm, she suddenly craved for the blondes attention instead.

She had the need to be the only one Lisa looked at at that moment. And, it wasn't the first time she felt that way.

Yes, before, Lisa was very childish in their older music videos so everything she did, Jennie never really paid attention to. She never cared for the way Lisa always chose her. Never cared that Lisa was trying to act cute. Jennie just never cared as much.

She only saw Lisa as an annoying little brother during those interviews. She didn't mind the way Lisa would always try to hug her. Didn't mind the back hugs in those interviews. In a way, it made her feel soft, but she didn't realize that until this very moment.

And, during their Ddu du Ddu du live countdown, she noticed the little things. Especially the way Jisoo touched her hand. She found herself fighting back a scowl and glare. Cameras were on her, she knew better then to pounce at her loving/favorite Unnie.

Also, during a meet and greet signing, Jennie felt extra cuddly that day. Usually, she would go to Jisoo, but seeing Lisa's bright smile as she waved excitedly at everybody before they had to go sit at the table, something took control of her body. Jennie found herself hugging Lisa in front of everybody.

She remembered Lisa being surprised for a second but mainly remembered the way Lisa pretended to kiss her cheek and give her a warm hug. The blonde went to pull away but Jennie refused to let go. Instead, Jennie looked up at Lisa's face with a happy smile.

The older one felt a fluffy feeling in her chest with Lisa's smile. She recalled playing with the blonde hair that day and feeling satisfied with Lisa's shy smile. Lisa's attention was solely on her and she was very content with that.

So, yes, maybe she was aware of everything in those previous days. But those days did not matter because Lisa was way too touchy with someone that wasn't her right now.

So, out of no where, Jennie suddenly showed Lisa the pantless doll. Lisa removed her hand off of Jisoo and poked the doll while cooing at its cuteness. That had Jennie smiling in satisfaction.

'Good. Focus on me.'

The brunette faced forward again and "casually" flipped her hair knowing Lisa's eyes were on her. And, feeling Lisa lean her cheek against the top of the brunettes head, her smile grew soft and content.

Jennie was known to be the clingy type, mainly to her Unnie. But, recently, she continued to cling onto Lisa a lot more. And, you could say, Jennie decided to continuously lean herself against the blonde just so she wasn't blocking her. Not because she wanted to. Of course not...

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