Chapter 11

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Jennie doesn't get confused.

But then, why was Lisa making her confused?

Well, technically Lisa wasn't doing anything to confuse her. It was just that Jennie was feeling things she's never felt before and that's what confused her.

It was just the way her eyes stared at her as if she was the answer to all her questions made her feel warm and fuzzy all over. The way Lisa smile always widened when she smiled had her heart pumping madly. And, even just the way the younger one laughed at Jennie's lame jokes felt like everything to her.

Lisa's making her feel things she's never felt before and she honestly didn't feel any hate or discomfort for that said feeling. It was actually quite nice.

"Unnie?" Jennie lifted her head up from her book and could already feel her heart squealing in excitement. It was as if her heart began to chant, 'Lisa! Lisa! Lisa! Lisa!'

"Hey Lis," she closed the book, already forgetting the plot just from the sight of her big brown eyes, "What's up?"

"Do you want to watch a movie with me in the living room?" She seemed shy about asking and that definitely widened the brunettes smile. Can't she just squeal about how cute she was without anyone questioning her?

"Sure. Will the girls be joining us?" She asked, already sliding off the bed and putting on her hoodie. Well, Lisa's hoodie. That of course didn't get missed by the blonde beauty in front of her.

The look in Lisa's eyes changed for a split second. It had Jennie losing her breath. But, Lisa merely grinned while stepping to the side for Jennie to pass by her,

"Did you want them to join us?" She hesitantly asked. Jennie couldn't stop her mouth,

"No!! I-I mean.. I wouldn't mind i-if it was just us.."

And, before Jennie could rush past her in embarrassment, Lisa blocked her path with her own arm. The brunette gasped in surprised for almost crashing into the slender arm. And when she turned to face Lisa, she took in a sharp breath.

Her face was close. So, so close. She could see the twinkle in those deep brown eyes. Her eyes were so big and filled with silent, unspoken words. And, for some reason, the older one understood it all. It had Jennie's heart leaping and trying to reach for her and keep her all to herself.

"Good, because I only want to watch with you." It was spoken in a slight whisper, making it feel like it was meant for only Jennie to hear. Like it was their own little secret. Lisa dropped her arm and instantly took a hold of Jennie's hand. "Now, let's watch a bunch of Disney movies till we both fall asleep."

Jennie wanted to reply. But she couldn't reply. She felt like her brain suddenly melted into a puddle when the younger one intertwined their fingers together.

"I like making you blush."

Jennie felt herself shiver with the warm breath that suddenly tickled her rosy ears. She hoped the doe eye'd girl missed it, but peaking up at her smug like smirk, Jennie felt her face heat up even more from embarrassment.

"Shut up," She hid her face against Lisa's arm as they were making their way to the living room. Jennie felt Lisa's body shake as the girl giggled. Lisa stopped them and turned her body to face the shy girl with a bright smile. The smile had Jennie's heart blushing and fluttering in her chest.

"I'm serious. You honestly look even more beautiful when I'm the reason for these rosy cheeks. Granted, you always look beautiful in my eyes Unnie."

Was that flirting? Was Lisa flirting with her? Jennie tried to remain logical about it all. Lisa was a natural flirt, of course, that feeling didn't suit well with her, but still, she had to be logical. It must be in her head right? Lisa wasn't staring at her lips and leaning in-- oh dear God she was.

"You're just so beautiful that it doesn't seem real." Jennie could've sworn she whimpered. Lisa's minty breath danced over her quivering lips. Jennie wouldn't admit to it until later on, but she was absolutely expecting her to be kissed, but Lisa simply pulled back and led them to the couch.

Jennie absentmindedly followed her lead, still in a Lisa daze. But when Lisa draped her arm over Jennie's shoulder and pulled her closer to the side, she felt herself being removed from the sudden spell.

"Hope you're okay with watching Frozen II again Unnie."

Jennie winced towards the name. She couldn't do it anymore.

"Hey Lis?"


"Stop calling me Unnie."

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