Chapter 14

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It wasn't planned. Lisa was just suppose to quickly wake her up so they could prepare for another shoot, but apparently when Lisa saw the older ones sleeping face, she just couldn't help herself.

Jennie never loved mornings, but waking up to plump lips peppering her cheeks and hearing her favorite giggle, Jennie knew she will forever love mornings, especially waking up to the sight of happy brown eyes.

And, that morning, as she laid on the blonde ones lap, Jennie found herself in a trance as the younger one spoke excitedly about her dream. Apparently she was a cat.

Maybe it was the way the light seeped through her window without a care. The sunlight kissed Lisa's soft features, showing off her perfect, clear, smooth skin. Jennie would know, she has kissed her cheeks many times already.

The sunlight seemed to enhance her perfection, the light made her look so bright that it had Jennie's heart fluttering way too early in the morning. It glowed so brightly that Jennie could've sworn she saw golden specs in those deep brown eyes. Either way, it was a beautiful view to say the least.

How could she have missed such beauty?

Jennie also remembered quietly giggling when Lisa would occasionally place quick kisses on Jennie's cheek or forehead too when she tried talking about her own dream.

"Can't help it. Your whole face just looks so kissable." is what the younger one told her, which earned her a pinch to the stomach from the blushing mandu.

Oh yeah, Jennie loved mornings.

"So, are you and Lisa dating yet?" Jennie squeaked followed with a groan of annoyance when she smudged her lip stick all the way to her cheek. The brunette turned around to face a smug like smile and narrowed her feline eyes.

"I was putting on lipstick Chu!"

"And I was asking you a question," she playfully fired back while wiping the smudge mark off of Jennie's cheek with a napkin. "But, seriously, you guys are practically dating so why not put a label on it already?" now, if it wasn't for the red smudge on her cheek, her blush would definitely be noticeable.

Were they dating?

The idea didn't sound bad at all. In fact, Jennie felt excited and all too giddy. Just imagining a life with the younger outside of Blackpink increased the heat in her face. It sounded too good to be true.

"So, considering the blush on your mandu cheeks, I take it that you're finally gonna do something about it?"

And, as if on cue, a soft knock was made from the other side of Jennie's door.

"Hey Nini? I brought you ice cream. I figured you'd want some before you go out today for your solo meeting." Lisa peaked her head through the door and widened her eyes, "Oh! Hi Jisoo unnie! I brought you something too! Chae has it in the kitchen."

Jisoo raised her eyebrows with a tiny smirk, "If this is your way to kick me out, the least you could do is ask." She mused, bumping her hip with Lisa's as she walked out. Lisa giggled before meeting her favorite sharp eyes.


Jennie smiled and laughed lightly.


Lisa eyes, the way they stared at her.. it was just... unexplainable.

Those doe eyes stared at her like she was the only one she'd ever want to look at. And that damn, gorgeous cheeky smile that had her perfect, pearly white teeth in display. Her smile was so wide that it had her eyes squinting cutely. That smile was just for Jennie. And Jennie loved that she was the only one to witness that smile.

Jennie loves—

Lisa suddenly laughed and walked over to her.

"Isn't lipstick suppose to be placed on your lips?" She teased while also rubbing the smudge away with her thumb. Jennie remained silent as she stared at the glint in Lisa's eyes. And that glint is what helped her in saying...

"I love you." The thumb that was on her cheek stopped moving while the eyes widened in surprised, but her smile remained.

"I love you too," Lisa laughed out a little too breathlessly. But Jennie shook her head and placed both of her hands on Lisa's waist.

"No, I love you in a non platonic way Lis. I'm in love with you. And, I think I've always have been for a while now." The whole time, her eyes never traveled away from Lisa's. She couldn't read them, but she didn't fear those unreadable eyes. If anything, it kept her going.

"I love everything about you. I love the way you never look away from me whenever I speak about strange topics that never have an importance to anything. But, just the way you stare and smile at me made me feel like it was important, even if it was just about how Kuma wouldn't cuddle with me."

Lisa laughed and traced her hands down Jennie's arms. The feather like touch created goosebumps to rise and chill to run down the older ones spine. She loved it.

"You make me feel important Lisa. I love the way you smile, the way you laugh, the way your cute mind works and I just.. You make me... ugh. I just love you so damn much."

Before Jennie new it, Lisa leaned down and captured her lips so slowly and carefully that it took the brunettes breath away. Lisa slid her hands back up and pulled Jennie closer by her cheeks, to softly deepen their kiss. The older one reciprocated it immediately.

Their lips molded and moved against each other so naturally that it didn't feel like it was their first time. It just felt right. Destined.

Losing oxygen, they slowly pulled away. They rested their foreheads together and giggled quietly.

"You finally noticed me." Lisa breathed. Jennie remained quiet, trying to understand what she meant. So, Lisa pulled back but kept their bodies close, not wanting to escape the warmth.

"I've been in love with you longer than you could have known Nini. But, when I noticed you staring at me differently back when we were filming our music video, I knew I was finally getting somewhere with you." Jennie blushed in embarrassment. And here she thought she was being sneaky.

"And I just noticed?"

Lisa giggled and placed a short but sweet kiss on Jennie's lips. She pulled back and smiled,

"And you just noticed."

A/N: Fair warning, next chapter is the finale!

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