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I've been with Masaru for about two weeks now. He reminds me a lot of Aiko when it comes to strict training schedules.  I spend the first 8 hours of my day learning to run his shop, Masaru's pottery, and learning how to make, paint, and glaze the pottery. That's my favorite part of the day. I can't say the same for the rest.

After dinner, I spend time alone teaching myself to master my abilities as a witch. The seven wonders are becoming second nature to me. I could transmutate with ease, moving objects with my mind isn't difficult, sometimes I levitate around for fun, and many other things. I've even gotten better at my special ability of distorting my body. I could give myself blonde hair and blue eyes by just thinking about it, I could give myself birthmarks, make myself look younger or older than my actual age, and so much more. I could even shrink and expand my body fat in any way I want.

Then after my self-teaching, Masaru and I train in kenjutsu for another four hours. Although his demeanor is very kind, his training is intense. I don't get a water break until the very end of his exhausting training. Even though I despise it, Masaru's training has made me reach a level of dojutsu that I never expected myself to reach. Especially in my short time here.

I'm no longer a fumbling mess when I try to take out my sword since he taught me laido, the ability to draw your sword at a very fast pace. He taught me to channel my chakra into the sword to make my damage more powerful and to extend the length of my sword. Although it took me a while, since I've always struggled with chakra control, I was still able to get the hang of it.

"Time for your private lessons, Iris," Masaru told me as he began cleaning up after dinner.

"Yeah, I know," I reply. I place Nyla on top of my head as I climped up the ladder to the attic where I was now sleeping. During my two weeks here, I made the space more homey with flowers in every corner and paintings on every wall. I spread out my personal items around the attic and invested in a little vanity and desk combo.

I took my spell book out of my book and began reading from where I left off. I looked out of a small window and stared out into the dark sky. Heavy rain hit my window. A bright light filled the sky and was followed by a loud boom of thunder. Ignoring the bad weather, I flipped the page noticed some scribblings in red in the corner of the page. I narrow my eyes at the tiny words and press my nose against the page to see it better.

I began reading the words aloud. "Sanka, my guardian, my spirit guide, my protector, appear before me. Enter my soul and combine our powers to become one mystical force. Sanka, appear before me." After I finished reading, I leaned back into my chair and felt a cold, powerful presence behind me. Nyla began to hiss and growl uncoltrollably.

I slowly begin to turn around to see a giant owl standing before me. It's feathers were jet black, except for where it's eyes were, which was a pale gray color. This creature had a third eye placed right above the space between its two eyes. It's eyes were pitch black and pupilless, and I could feel them staring into my soul. The long feathers above its eyes almost looked like horns.

"You summoned me," it's brash voice boomed. I could only gawk at the creature in front of me.

I finally spoke. "I did that?" I asked dumbfoundedly.

"Yes," it responded. "My name is Sanka. I am the three-eyed owl. And who might you be."

It tilted its head at me. "I'm Iris."

"Ah, yes. The great grand-daughter of Diona. The only witch in her coven powerful enough to summon my being. And the only one strong enough to consume all of my power and take it in with hers. I could only imagine all of the great things she would've accomplished if she wasn't forced out of her coven and forced to live with non-witches. But alas, jealousy can be quite powerful at times."

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