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Emma's POV

"What can I get for you today?" I ask the small boy with brown hair. 

"Hot cocoa with cinnamon please." he says. 

"Coming right up." I go behind the counter and start to prepare his drink. Once I've made the hot chocolate, I add a bit of cinnamon on top. I give it to him and smile. I didn't make a single mistake! I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear and get back to work. A woman walks in and sits down by the counter. 

"Hello. What can I get for you today?" I ask her. She purses her lips. 

"Can I have another waitress? I don't want to be served" she snaps. I feel myself growing hot. Everyone stares at us. I feel embarrassed. It's the worst feeling being judged. And being the centre of attention. I hate it more than anything. I look around and wonder if anyone else believes the rumours. Those stupid rumours. That have ruined my life. No, they didn't ruin my life. He did. 

I run into the back and my eyes start to swim. It feels like someone is crushing my heart and my lungs. I feel like I can't breathe. Breathe, Emma, breathe. That's all you need to do. My hand starts to shake and I start hyperventilating. Flashes and memories of him fill my head. I try to push them out but they keep coming and coming. And soon other memories fill my head. The people who adopted me kicking me out. Getting arrested. Being in jail. Finding out that I was pregnant. The car crash. The rumours. I start to sob. It's too much. Far too much. 

"Emma! Are you okay?" I look up to see David frowning at me. I wipe my eyes. 

"I....I'm fine." I whisper. He grabs my arm. "You don't look fine. Is there a problem?" he asks. 

"No. It's just people being people." I say. David sighs. 

"Are they giving you a hard time? I could deal with them." he asks. 

"It's nothing new. Nothing that I haven't already experienced." I say, wiping my eyes. 

"I can help you, Emma. If you would just let me." he said. 

"Thanks but I'm fine." I reply. I go to walk away but he grabs my hand. "What?" I ask. 

"Are we really going to keep doing this?" he asks. I stare at him and cock my head to the side. What the hell does he mean? "I don't understand." I say. 

"The whole I help you and make sure you are okay thing. I've been helping you for years now. Can you just give me what I want now?" I frown. "What do you want?" I ask worriedly. 

"You." My eyes widen and I try to pull away from him.

No. No. No. This can't be happening again. Not again. My head starts to pound and I feel like I am going to throw up. He pulls me towards him. 

"Let me go. Please." I whisper. He laughs. He wraps his arms around me and moves them down my body. I start to sob. 

"David, don't do this." He smirks and pushes me against the wall. 

"All the time I have spent helping you is now worth it. I'm going to enjoy this so damn much." I squeeze my eyes shut and try to block out what is happening. 

"Leave her alone!" I hear someone shout and then David lets go of me. I open my eyes and see that David is on the floor. He's been knocked out. "Are you alright, Swan?" 

I look up to see Killian. I start to shake and it feels like my windpipe is closing. He rushes to my side. I flinch at his touch. "Don't. Touch. Me." I shout. 

He steps back and sighs. I rub my forehead and start playing with my sleeves. It calms me down. A bit. "I'm sorry. It's just.....he was." 

"Hey, it's okay." His voice soothes me. I don't know why but it just calms me down. I look into his eyes and I'm surprised by their colour. I thought they were just blue but they're more like sea-blue. I like the sea, it relaxes me. I'm also surprised at how much emotion is in them. He looks worried and concerned. And the way he looks at me is making my heart beat. Why does he care so much? 

Killian's POV

I walk into Granny's and look around for Emma. But she's not here. I frown. I really need to see her again. I miss her face, her eyes, her voice, her smile. I miss her looking at me with love. I miss kissing her. I need to break this curse and to do that I need to spend time with Emma. I notice the door leading to the back room and I wonder if she's in there. I walk through the door. 

"All the time I have spent helping you is now worth it. I'm going to enjoy this so damn much." I see David pushing Emma up against a wall and I'm filled with anger. How dare he touch my Swan. Emma's face breaks my heart. I swing my fist as David's face and he falls over.

"Are you alright, Swan?" She looks up at me and I frown. Pain is etched onto every part of her face. It kills me to see the woman I love so hurt. I want to kiss her and wrap my arms around her but I can't. She starts to shake and hyperventilate. I rush to her side and concern fills my face. What am I supposed to do? How do I make her feel better? I place my hand on her arm and she flinches. 

"Don't. Touch. Me." she shouts. Stupid Victoria. This is all her fault. I hate that Emma is afraid of me. I would never hurt her but she doesn't know that. She doesn't know me. I step back and sigh. She rubs her forehead and starts playing with her sleeves. "I'm sorry. It's just.....he was." 

"Hey, it's okay. She stares at me and I study every part of her face. I love her so much and I can't even tell her. 

She runs a hand through her hair and sighs. She looks at me and tears start to fall from her eyes. "Do you want to talk?" I ask. She shakes her head. 

"No. I just want to go. I just need to get out of this place. I just-ughhhhhh- but I work here. I've got to do my shift. He's my boss. I have to spend every day with him." she mumbles, playing with a strand of her hair. 

"No, you can leave. Quit, Emma. If you're not happy here, quit." I say. She shakes her head. 

"It's not that simple! I have to work here! I need the money! Otherwise I won't have a place to live." She exclaims. I frown and then it hits me. I know how to help Emma and how to get closer to her. 

"Move in with me." Her eyes widen. "What?!" she exclaims, throwing her hands up. 

"I have a spare bedroom in my apartment. You can stay there if you want to." I say. She gasps and shakes her head. 

"Why are you helping me?" she asks. I smile softly. 

"Your somebody in need. You shouldn't have to keep working here and you also need somewhere to stay." She raises her eyebrows. 

"I know but I'm Emma Swan. The most hated person in town. They'll hate you too." 

"I don't care." I exclaim. She cocks her head to the side and studies me. 

"Why are you doing this for me? We're complete strangers." 

"Have you ever met someone and felt an instant connection? Like you don't know why but you just want to be in their lives and you want to make them smile. And you won't to stop anything bad from happening to them." She stared at me and then burst out laughing. 

"I don't know, I mean, I know what you mean but I don't know." she said.

"So?" I asked. "Yes. I'll move in with you. Thank you. Thank you so much, Jones." she says. I smile. 

"Come on, I'll show you my place." We walk back out to the restaurant and start to head out of the door. 

"Emma, where are you going? Your shift isn't finished!" A girl exclaims. Emma laughs. 

"Oh right, I didn't say. I'm sick of this place. I quit!" she exclaims. With that, she storms out. I raise my eyebrows. She may be cursed but deep down, she'll still by the same feisty woman that I love. I chuckle and follow her out. We walk back to my place and I show her the spare room I have. "I know it's small but-" 

"Thanks so much, Jones." she interrupts me. I smile softly and scratch the back of my neck. 

"It's okay, Swan. It'll be nice having someone around. I do get lonely sometimes." I say. 

"Yeah, I understand about being lonely." She looks into my eyes and suddenly we're staring at each other. It's like were us again. She smiles, breaks eye contact and pushes a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Anyway, I'm going to get my stuff." 

"Okay." She smiles at me once more and then walks out of my apartment. Maybe this won't be so hard after all. 

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