New York

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Emma's POV 

I walked back into the hall where Gold was waiting. We had said goodbye to my parents, packed a suitcase and changed. I was wearing dark blue jeans, black boots and a white jumper. There was just one last thing I needed. My red leather jacket. Pulling it on, I sighed happily. It felt good to wear it again. Yes, I'd gotten use to dresses, but now I felt more like myself. 

"What is the boy doing here?" Gold snapped, pointing to Henry. 

"You think I'm going to leave him where Regina can kidnap him? No way." I said, wrapping a protective arm around Henry. I'd be so angry at myself if something happened to him or Regina took him. 

"You ready to go, Swan?" Turning around, the sight of my handsome fiancée made me smile. He looked.....really....really....good. At my expression, he smirked. 

"You've seen me in modern clothes before, during the curse." 

"I know but I didn't know that I had to appreciate it back then." I walked to him, kissing Elizabeth on the head. I pressed my body against his and whispered something in his ear. Something that I hoped Henry didn't hear. 

"And even though you looked really good in these clothes, I'd much prefer them on the floor of our room." Killian swallowed nervously as his eyes widened. I winked at him as I walked back to my son. I heard him moan. I loved doing things like this. 

"No! The pirate is not coming." Gold snapped. I turned my attention back to him and smiled. "He's my fiancée. He's coming with us or I don't go." I said. 

"You have to come. You owe me." 

"Try me." He sighed and growled. 

"Fine. The pirate can come." Gold spat. Smiling, I nodded at him to open the portal. He threw the bean on the ground, causing a green, swirling portal to open. 

"Let's go!" We all ran towards and jumped into the portal. As I fell through, I thought about New York, hoping that everyone else was doing the same. They fell out of the portal, collapsing onto the floor. As I sat up and looked around, I realised that we were in New York. We were back. Gold led us to a building with a number of apartments in them. I examined the different names next to the door bells. 

"Do any of these names mean anything to you?" I asked. Sighing, he shook his head. I looked through the names again and realised that the last one was blank. "That's your son." I said. 

"Or it could just be an empty apartment." I shook my head. 

"This is what people who don't want to be found do." I pressed the buzzer and waited to see if the door would open. 

Nothing happened. "Maybe you were wrong." Killian said. 

"I wasn't wrong." I exclaimed, giving him an annoyed look. 

"Or maybe he's out right now." Killian said, offering up another explanation for me. Suddenly, there was a loud crash. My head snapped upwards to see a man wearing a hoodie getting away. I presumed that was Baelfire. He started running down the street. 

"That favour you owe me. This is it. Get him to talk to me." Gold shouted at me. I sighed before running at full pelt down the road. I would catch him and then bring him back to Gold. No matter what. 

Killian's POV

Henry and the crocodile sat talking to each other. But I wasn't listening because I didn't care. There was only one thing I cared about at this moment. My fiancée and where she was. I know Emma really well and I know how strong she is. She should've caught him already and come back. But she wasn't. And I was worried something bad was happening to her. I don't know what I'd do if what I was worrying about came true. Emma is the most important person in my life and I love her with all my heart and soul. I paced up and down as images of the worst possible outcome jumped into my head. No, Killian! Stop! Stop thinking like this! She's going to be okay. I stared into the distance where she had run off, hoping that Emma would appear. But she didn't. Beth started to cry, wriggling in my arms. I held her closer, rocking her to and fro. 

"Hey, it's okay, Beth. I've got you. Shhh." 

But Beth didn't stop crying as I sighed. Emma was much better at this. Even though I had only had Beth for just over a day, Emma had quietened her down pretty much every time. She was so caring and had great maternal instincts and I know that she couldn't wait to have the chance to be a mother. And I can't wait either. I can't wait to start a family of their own and I smiled as I envisioned having children with my true love. But I can only do that if she came back. I stroked my  daughter's soft head. 

"I know. I miss her too. Hopefully, she'll be back soon." I whispered, kissing the top of her head. "Soon enough?" I heard a voice ask. I turned around with a massive smile on his face. Wrapping my arms around her, I scattered kisses on her face. 

"Easy tiger, we have company." 

"I just missed you. And I'm allowed to kiss you! You're my fiancée." I exclaimed. Emma nodded softly, pecking me on the lips. "Hate to intrude but where is my son?" the crocodile snapped, pulling her away from me. 

"I'm sorry, Gold. But he, um, got away." she said. 

"He got away?! Isn't it your job to find people?" 

"He had a head start and I lost him. It's not my fault." The crocodile shook his head. 

"Well, I hope you enjoy spending the rest of your life in my tower then. Because you've broken our deal." he shouted, going to grab her arm. I pushed myself in between them, placing a protective arm in front of Emma. 

"Don't touch her, mate!" I growled at him. He was about to snap something back at me before turning around and walking towards the apartments. He started pushing on multiple buttons. "Gold! What are you doing?" Emma exclaimed. 

"He lives here. He'll be back." he explained. Emma sighed in disbelief. #

"You can't just do that. There's laws." 

"I don't care. I'm finding my son." the crocodile snapped, finally opening the door. He stormed in and Henry followed, leaving me and Emma waiting outside. We gave each other a look as Emma shook her head before walking in. We followed Gold up the stairs and into the apartment with Emma shouting at him. Gold starts looking around and Henry says he's going to be look out. I glance to Emma to try and figure out what her plan is and see as she walks over to a window. She picks up the dreamcatcher that was hanging on that window and her face falls. I frown. What's the matter. I place Beth down, walk over to her and put my hands on her waist. 

"Emma, are you okay?" I ask worriedly. My words snap her back to reality as she places the dreamcatcher down. "Of course." 

"Have you found something?" 

"It's just a dreamcatcher." 

"No, you're lying to me." 

"I'm not."

"Tell me the truth. We had a deal." the crocodile shouts. I glance worriedly at Emma, feeling very confused. 

"Emma, what's going on?" I say before the door slams open. A man with messy, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes that still remind me of Milah's appears with a frown appearing on his face. 

"Bae?" the crocodile whispers. Our eyes meet and he clenches his jaw. I remember our last encounter and frown. We didn't end things on good terms. I'm pretty sure he still hates me and still blames me for destroying his family. 

"You came back for me." the crocodile continues. 

"No. I came back for her." he said, indicating to Emma. My head whipped round as I stared at Emma. How the hell does she know him? She never told me that. Emma smiles softly as her eyes widen. My frown deepens. I know that look because it's normally reserved for me. But not anymore. What the hell is going on? Do Emma and Bae have a past? 

Author's note: 

Hiiiiiiiii! Sorry that this chapter is so boring. It's just necessary to the story but the next few chapters should be more interesting as we explore the love triangle between Emma, Neal and Killian. I'll upload soon. Bye! 💚💚💚

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