Departures and Reunions

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Raphaels POV

  Leaving Luke was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I walked out of the warehouse with my earbuds in and tears streaming down my face.  It was deep in the forest. Like super far back. Like I could barely see the sun.
     Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Hazel, Leo, Piper, The Asian guy Hazel was dating, and Will were all waiting. My face was stone cold and I just strolled passed them. Will walked back to me. I peeked my earbuds out. "Did he hurt you?" He asked. Tears ran faster down my face. I mumbled a quiet no. He nodded his head. He stood by my side. I put the earbuds back in.
    Suicidal, by YNW Melly. How fucking  convenient. They all walked back passed me. I was trying so hard not to run back into the base and climb onto Luke, it was like someone took my soul from me.
      I followed behind them. Tears were still falling. Several of them grabbed onto Nico or Hazel I just did it myself and shadow traveled back to camp. My vision blurred and I was back at camp. I landed back in Percy's cabin. They all must've landed somewhere else. I took my phone out. It was 6:19 pm. How fast is this day going. Gods.
         The cabin door opened. Percy, Annabeth, and Nico entered. Since I was laying in the bed that I slept in beforehand. I just continued to stare at the bunk above mine. I've run out of tears so I just stared. Annabeth sat down and held my hand. My lip was quivering and my eyes were no doubt red and puffy. She peeled the earbuds out. "Chiron wanted to see you Raphael." I ignored it. "Tell Chiron he can suck my dick." I mumbled before putting my buds back in.
    She got up. She ushered them all out. Along with herself. Five minutes later Will came in. My tear ducts refilled so I was crying again. Will came down next to me. I leaned up and hugged him. He rubbed my back. "It's okay babygirl. I told him not too. He wouldn't budge." That didn't help the case so I continued to cry. When all of a sudden did Nico hate me?! Did he just use me to get to Luke? Was he just pissed at me?! I just want Luke. That's all I want. If he was here I would already be calmed down. If only.
      Will brought his forehead to mine and tears streamed down my face. "You have to join us for dinner. It'll seem as an insult if you don't." I nodded. I took my glasses off and wiped the foggy lenses with my shirt. I kept my eyes down to avoid his gaze, even though I knew he was here to help me calm down. "I don't want to be here Will. I want to be with Luke. I-." He held my face in his fingers. "I know Raph. If you sneak out tonight after curfew they won't suspect a thing." I hugged him. "This is why I love you." He laughed. "I know babygirl."
      The dinner bell rang hurting my ears. He let go and held out a hand. "May I take you to dinner?" I rolled my eyes. "You shall." I took my leather jacket off and put one of Luke's hoodies on. I put my earbuds back in but didn't put any music on. I followed Will out.
      The campers all looked at me. I fixed my glasses and sat down at my table. Will sat next to me and Nico and Hazel across from us. Rice  appeared on my plate. Along with chicken. I didn't touch any of it. I just moved it around on my fork. What would Luke be doing right now? What would we be doing I Nico hadn't found his base? Where would I be right now if Luke hadn't told me about him? What would've happened if they never found me in school that day? Would I be dead if I never met Luke. Probably.
       Will bumped my knee. I looked around lightly, so no one could see me. Nico was staring at me. "Raph I-." "Save it Fuckhead." I yelled. I got up and walked back to my bunk in Percy's cabin. I covered myself in the blankets. Luke's hoodie I was wearing still smelled like him. I savored the scent as tears fell sideways down my cheek. I pulled my phone out. Luke texted.

   From Luke: I'm so sorry Love. I wish I could be there right now. 

    To Luke: I'm going to try and sneak out tonight. I miss you so much Luke. You have no idea. I just want to curl up in a ball and die.

  From Luke: I don't think that would be wise sweetheart. They most likely going to watch your every step. I'll see you soon. Don't cut yourself either. Just lay low. I have to go Love. I love you

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