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Raphael's POV

As soon as I hit the ground, I expected to pass out. Nope. Not today. The sword clattered to the ground and a pair of arms wrapped around my body stopping the fall. My head only slightly hit the ground. Either way my body erupted in flames. Not physically but like the painful way. Air got stuck in my throat because it hurt so bad. Tears rolled down my cheeks. My eyes wouldn't open. Nico shook my shoulder with all his might. Only then did my hearing return.
"Raphael! Raph! Come on please wake up?!" My eyes were glued shut. My voice didn't seem to work at all. My body just lay on the hardwood paralyzed.

Nico started to shake my shoulders. I regained feeling in my fingers a bit. He squeezed a hand. I rubbed my finger gently on his hand. "Raph.... can you hear me." Two taps. 
He squeezed my hand tighter. "L....L.....Luke." I managed to mutter. "G.....g...get h....h....him." Nico squeezed my hand. "Okay Raphael. Where's you're phone?" I parted my lips. "B.....b....bed." My hand became cold as he left and went over to my phone. My vision started to come back slowly.
Luke's POV

I through my shoe at the wall. I shouldn't have let her go. I haven't heard from her since yesterday. She promised she would say good morning every day. It's eleven thirty at night. I bent my head back over the chair and scrunched my hair in my hands. "Luke I'm sure she's fine. She probably just forgot. If her epilepsy kicked in anything from before could've been forgotten." I shook my head. "No this happened after her epilepsy. It's been to days Mi. I'm not getting a good vibe from the situation." Suddenly my phone vibrated. Someone was calling me. It was Raphael. Her picture showed up on its caller ID.
       "Hey Love." I said into the phone. "Luke it's your best bud Nico. Somethings wrong with Raphael. She's asking for you. Meet me outside of camp. Bring Milo too." My heart dropped. I looked up at Milo. "How do I know this isn't a lie to attack?" Deep down I knew it wasn't. Someone can never be to sure. "Do you want me to send a picture of her unconscious on the floor!? Get over here soon. Like five minutes soon." He hung up. My hand started shaking and I stood up and grabbed my shoes that I through across the room. "Get Max and Jordan. We're meeting Nico." She nodded.

     I ran down the flights of stairs until I reached the front gate. I pressed the keypad. "Brooklyn Maze to the main hall. Brooklyn Maze to the hall. No excuses." I pounded my fist on the wall. Jordan, Max, Milo, and Brooklyn came running out the hall. "Jordan you're in charge until we come back. Brooklyn, Max and Milo with me." I ushered them to follow me. Once I saw the outlines of what was Thalia's tree. I started to run. The lights from camp illuminated him. I saw Nico carrying someone as he walked up the hill. I skidded to a halt to let Max and Milo catch up.
Nico sat down Raphael on a patch of grass. She was breathing heavily. "Hey hey Love. Hey.... it's just me." Her eyelids were half open and her arm was shaking badly. I brought a hand over her cheek. "L-Luke w-whats happening?" She whispered. "I don't know Love." Her leg muscles tightened under me. "Love can you feel your legs." She nodded her head, the slightest bit. Like almost unnoticeable. "Love what hurts?" Her breathing started to decrease. Her eye lids dropped. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

    I hopped off her waist and put her on her side. Her body started to uncontrollably shake. Foam came out of her mouth. Milo bent down next to me and checked her eyes by pinching up her lids, after taking off her broken glasses.
The shaking stopped. I set her back on her back. Her breathing was rapid and her lip was quivering. Her eyes shot open. They darted back and forth. "Raph. Raph it's me. It's Luke calm down. It's okay. Focus on the grass beneath you. How does it feel. How does it smell. Count the pieces. Focus on literally anything." Her eyes turned to me.

    I smiled. Her breathing steadied. She closed her eyes. "Okay Pretty Boy I appreciate the help. Now run along back to your little gang." Nico tried to pick her up. Milo grabbed his wrists and pushed him back. "No. She isn't fully stable yet. Plus you don't even have actual electricity. Plus I sincerely doubt she wants to go back. So shut the fuck up Nico. She's coming with us." Max was leaning up against the tree. He grabbed his sword. "Smith and Angel stand down. It's midnight and I don't believe we're an even fight." They did as said. For once in a millennia. "N-N-Nico I-I wan go wi-th h-h-him." Nico bent down over her and kissed her forehead. "As you wish." He said through gritted teeth. He disappeared with a pop.
       I picked Raphael up. She put her legs around my waist and her head on my shoulder. She was still slightly shaking. Her hair went down my back as she calmed down. I walked in front of them. I hit the front gate button. 71804. Raphael's Birthday. We all walked down the halls of the warehouse. "L-Luke where are we goin?" She whispered in my ear. "The medical room. I want to make sure you're okay." She nodded her head slightly, it was tightly tucked into my neck to avoid the bright lights. We turned to the left and into the medic hall. I set her down on the bed.

CheckMate   (A Luke Castellan fan fic. OC CHARACTER)Where stories live. Discover now