.twenty nine.

206 10 0

DATED: 20th October, 1999, Wednesday



Everyone was busy fighting with death eaters and we were winning. Suddenly everyone stopped as a certain male walked inside the premises. All the death eaters flew away and joined him. The man removed his mask and so did others. It was none other than Ron beside him stood Lavender. Behind him in first line stood, Dolohov, Greyback, Rodolphus, Bellatrix, Evelyn, Ella, Zacharias, Robert, Crabbe and Goyle.

Ron looked ahead across from us towards the house. I stepped in front with Harry on my right and Draco on my left while Ginny stood beside Harry and others stood beside us in crowd.

"Give me the wand and I will spare your lives" Ron said. "In your dreams weasel" Draco answered and Ron laughed. "What a great addition you could make to our rank Malfoy but sorry we don't take blood traitors in" he said and all the cloaked men laughed. "I'd rather die than join you" Draco answered and Ron's face hardened.

"Fine then your wish my command" He raised his wand "Avada Kedavra" he said and I pushed Draco away it missed me by an inch and hit the rock behind us and that started the fight again.


"Stupefy" I said and the death eater in front of me fell down. I turned and saw Ginny, Fleur and Hales dueling with Evelyn and Ella while Ally and Hermione dueled against Bellatrix. Dad, Arthur and Lucius were busy with Rodolphus while Sirius Snape and Remus were fighting Greyback.Neville, Blaise, Theo, Charlie and Percy were fighting with Crabbe and Goyle while Fred and George were fighting with Smith and Hood. I saw Draco dueling alone with Ron. "Protego" I shouted as I shielded Draco from a spell Ron was going to use. They turned around and I stood beside him.


"Avada Kedavra" Bellatrix casted and Hermione pushed Allison away missing the spell by few inches. "Not my daughter bitch" Lily yelled and send a non verbal spell towards Bellatrix. She became froze. "For everyone you have ever tortured" and with that Lily Potters end one last spell towards Bellatrix whixh hit her on the chest ending her life.

On the other hand Narcissa and Molly Weasley joined Ginny, Fluer and Hayliegh. "Not my family" Molly said before her spell hited Evelyn while Narcissa just hit Ella square on chest.

James, Arthur and Lucius together sent a spell towards Rodolphus ending his life while Snape, Sirius and Remus finished Grey back. "Did I ever mentioned what a potato face you were? "Percy Weasley said as he stupefied Crabbe. "Percy can joke" Blaise said and Neville knocked Goyle unconscious. "This is for hitting on our sisters" Fred and George said together as they stupefied Smith and Hood together.

Hermione and Ginny then defeated Lavender and joined Harry and Draco to fight against Ron together.



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