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DATED: 8th September, 1999, Wednesday


“Students of 7th year are requested to stay back after breakfast” Dumbledore announced one fine morning.
Well it was fine before this announcement any way. It had been a week since school started, everything was normal. Me and Hermione met in library every day after school and spent an hour or two completing our homework, which was most we did together. We didn’t talk much just asked each other how the other one was. We were trying to get along and I think we were pretty good in it.
After all I didn’t mind being engaged to her, she was good looking no doubt in that and witty. She was a perfect combo of beauty with brains.
Soon the whole great hall was empty leaving only seventh years. Blaise and Theo were sitting next to me as Pansy and Astoria sat in front of me.
I looked across the hall and my eyes landed on the brunette who was looking at her right towards the teachers table. Her features were still and her eyebrows were furrowed which I had noticed she did when she was frustrated. Her left hand was on table and the ring was still on her hand which marked her mine. I smiled at the last thought.
Dumbledore took the stage and cleared his throat gaining full attention “War took its toll on the wizarding world. 65.5% of the population was destroyed in the war. If the calculations are clear then if the population is not raised by the end of 5th year a massive squib virus will infect the Wizarding World” Dumbledore said.
“Due to this ministry has passed a new law. The Marriage law according to which every witch between the age group of 17-25 will be paired up with a wizard. They will have to get married before January 15th next year and have a child or must be pregnant by 31st December” he said and suddenly the Great Hall was filled with uproar.
“No this is wrong” Seamus Finnegan said. “You cannot make us marry without our choice” Dean Thomas added followed by other uproars. I sighed and looked down.
“Silence, if you do not follow this law then your wand will be snapped, your magic will be taken and you will be banished from the wizarding world” Dumbledore added and everyone became quiet. “Tomorrow morning you will get to know who your partners are. You may take this day off” he said and walked off.
We five got up and met the other three Gryffindors on the doors of Great hall. “What about us?” Hermione asked me. “We need to talk-” but before I could say anything an owl came and dropped a piece of paper in my hand.
And as soon I finished reading the paper burst into fire. I looked at Hermione “We need to meet Dumbledore” I said. “Okay we are going to Black Lake, come and meet us there” Harry said and we nodded as we walked off towards right while they took left.
I walked off with Draco towards Headmaster’s room.
“Sherbet Lemon” Draco said to the Gargoyle and we walked into it reaching the room. Before entering he knocked “Come in” we heard Dumbledore call and we walked in.
“Professor” Draco said and Dumbledore looked up. “Aah Miss Potter and Mr. Malfoy please have a seat” he said and we sat down on chairs opposite to him. “Professor we are already engaged” I said and Dumbledore nodded.
“I am aware of that Miss POTTER although am sorry I was not able to attend your ceremony due to some official work, Minerva was really excited for you both but I had to cancel our plans last minute” he said “It’s okay Professor but about this law” Draco said
“Aah yes you see the law was passed and applies to every witch and wizard who are under the age and non married and since you both are not married you will have to go through the sorting ceremony, although may I see the rings?” he asked and we nodded bringing our ring hands in front. He kept them on each other and I felt a small tickling sensation “I see you have not yet marked each other” he muttered under his breath. “Sorry we didn’t get you professor” I said. “Ohh nothing” he said and chuckled.
“Now since you both are already bonded to each other tomorrow I am sure the procedure will make sure you both are kept together, let’s say tomorrow is a test to see whether you both actually belong to each other or not” he said and we sighed. “Now you may leave” he said and we stood up walking out.


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