Chapter Nine:

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"Khloe!" she hears her father call from the living room. Khloe quickly rushed down to her parents to see Kyle and Charlie standing in her living room "What the hell is he doing here?" She snapped pointing at Kyle "He's here to help us. There's an attack going down tonight. You're our best shot so we need you" her father says "You know you can count on me" Khloe lies. 

Khloe took a seat on the stool in the hunters lounge next to her father. He took the folder out from the draw and handed it to her. Khloe felt confused as to why he handed it to her. She already knew everything. Her confusion got the best of her until her father took the photos out from the folder "Kyle's new to the team so he doesn't know the targets" her father tells her.

Khloe nods in return trying her best to hide her panic. Kyle had seen what Theo looked like which meant the second he saw his picture he would put two and two together. The second her father turned his head she grabbed a  hold of Theo's picture and hid it under the table in her hands. She smiled to herself  until she realised Logan had seen her. He raised an eyebrow at her but let it go. Logan knew the truth deep down. 

"Three werewolves. Derek Hale, Peter Hale and the true alpha Scott McCall" her father told Kyle "Wait McCall as in Melissa McCall?" Kyle asked "You've got that right. Why do you think we assigned Melissa to Khloe" her mother mentioned. Khloe's eyes widened at her mother's words. She didn't know they purposely assigned Melissa to her. 

"The two Hunters. Allison and Chris Argent" her father adds "The human and the Banshee. Stiles Stilinski and Lydia Martin" Josie interrupted "and....Wait where's the last photo!" her father snapped. Logan's eyes met Khloe's where he mouthed 'Drop it before you get caught' Khloe took a deep breath and threw Theo's photo to the ground. 

Her father smiled the second he saw the photo "and this is our target tonight.....Theo Raeken the Chimera" her father comments "Wait....He's the target tonight?" Khloe blurts out earning a look from her mother "Does that concern you?" her sister asks "Not at all I just thought Derek Hale was the target" Khloe says "No....Theo's been the target from the start" her father answers. 

Kyle's eyes grew wide the second he saw the photo. He remembered that face. He remember that stupid hair he hated but most of all he remember the contact T. T was Theo Raeken. Khloe was protecting a Chimera. He couldn't believe it. His eyes met Khloe's sad ones. He gave her a look of disgust. 

"You prepared to do what it takes?" her father asks her "Of course I am.....I have to do something but I'll meet you at the Raeken house. Send me the address. Logan I need to borrow your car" Khloe blurts out before she rushed out of the room. She knew she needed to protect Theo. She didn't care about betraying her parents. The only person that mattered right now was Theo. He was the only important thing that mattered to her even if that meant choosing a side. 

Scott's head shifts from the sound of tyres squeaking from Theo's back drive-way. He looked out the window and recognised the car "I guess the attacks tonight. Theo I think you're the target" Scott tells him "Khloe would never agree to this" Stiles blurts out "I guess she did....Look" Scott points out the window "I guess we can't trust her" he adds "No she'd never betray me" Theo yells "She already has....Open your eyes Theo" Scott yells. 

Khloe knocks on the back door and waits for an answer "Are you here to kill us? Because you don't stand a chance" Scott shouts. His eyes began to glow, his teeth started to grow and his nails began to expand "Wait" Stiles said, grabbing Scott's arm "I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to protect you" Khloe shouts. Theo listened as her heart beat stayed steady. She was telling the truth. He slowly headed to the door but Scott stopped him. 

"What are you doing?" Scott questions "I think we can trust her" Theo reassures him before opening the door "Why the hell should we trust you?" Scott spat "I understand you have your reasons to not trust me but I have my reasons to protect you. Reasons you do not need to know. You'll know if I'm lying" She tells them. 

Everyone stood in silence whilst Scott listened to her steady heart beat. He gave her a small nod and allowed her to continue into the house. Her eyes locked onto Theo's "What happened to stay away from me?" Theo laughs "I guess I can't control myself. I guess you're important to me" Khloe blurts out. 

The second Khloe's parents pulled up outside the house, she pushed Theo behind her. She felt as he slipped his hand into hers. He could hear her heart beat faster. He could feel the fear from her touch. She felt scared but not for her life....for his life. She pulled her hand away from Theo's and pulled the string back on her crossbow. 

She took a deep breath before letting the arrow fly causing her father to drop the gun he held. She repeated the same move knocking Kyle to his ass. The arrow grazed the side of his arm and hit Logan "Shit" Khloe whispered. She didn't mean to hit Logan. She couldn't believe she missed. Her mother ran at the door knocking it down. Khloe pushed Theo into the kitchen following his lead. Scott pulled Stiles to the side and transformed. He threw his fist at Khloe's mother knocking her crossbow from her hands. Khloe shot another arrow at her father hoping he'd back down. 

Khloe let out a breath as she heard her father shout "We're unprepared" He pulled Khloe's mother backwards and towards the car. Khloe watched as Logan picked up the arrows that had been fired. His eyes fell onto her through the window but she ducked before he could figure it out. She knew he'd find out the truth the second he reads the arrows. 

Khloe turned to face Scott whose eyes flashed between red and brown "Thank you" he said "This doesn't mean I trust you" he adds "I don't trust you" Khloe blurts out "Then why did you help us?" Scott asks "I was protecting him" she says pointing at Theo "Not you" She adds "I trust him and only him" Khloe mentioned again pointing at Theo. Theo's eyes fell onto Khloe and he gave her a small smile "But you still need to stay away from me" Khloe tells Theo. 

Scott and Stiles left shortly after the attack. Khloe stayed to help Theo clean the mess her parents made. "Why did you help us?" Theo asks her. She watched as he waited for an answer "I have my reasons which don't concern you" Khloe answers "You know I can tell you're lying right" he says "You know I don't care right" she says sarcastically. 

Khloe's eyes met Theo's green ones just as she said "Ya know I can't tell you why I protected you but I can tell you If I wasn't a hunter I'd spend the rest of the night with you" She lets slip instantly regretting the words that came out of her mouth. 

Theo couldn't help but smile. He gently touched Khloe's hand and said "and why would you do that?" "Because I'd love one night with no drama" Theo laughs at the fact her heart beat spiked "Ya know you suck at lying" he blurts out "shut up Raeken!" she chuckles as she leaves the house.

Khloe made it to her car until a sudden feeling came over her. She was prepared to leave but her body told her to go back. She tried her hardest to fight the feelings inside her yet she didn't want to fight them. She wanted to give into every feeling she felt for Theo. 

Khloe let out a breath she didn't realise she'd been holding and mumbled "Oh...I'm gonna regret this" Khloe walked back into the house coming face to face with Theo who looked confused "I thought you lef-' Theo started until Khloe crashed her lips to his. 

She felt the fireworks explode. She felt every feeling she felt for Theo flood her mind. Flood her emotions. Theo deepened the kiss pushing her towards the wall. His body pressed against hers. His hands gripped at her waist. Khloe pulled at Theo's shirt pulling his body even closer to hers. Theo pulled back and stared into Khloe's eyes "Don't stop" she said before pulling him back where he re-connected their lips together.

The Hunters Weakness [1] Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now